Monday, March 27, 2017

A finish...

I finished doing the binding on the one wall hanging.  Can't remember the name for it.  I did the big stitching for quilting.  On Wednesday, my friend Connie is going to help me try to hang up the wall hangings using Command Strip Velcro.  I read about it on Craftsy Gemini so I thought I'd try it.  In the meantime, here is what that corner of my office currently looks like.  I always change out what is hanging on the walls but currently this is it.

That's it this time for playing.  Time ti get back to work.

Have a great day everybody!

1 comment:

Marsha Clark said...

Pretties ! Love those batiks.

What to work on Next

    I finished the owl and it will be sent off to my friend Susan as soon as I get my stamps.  I had forgotten to get some for the season so...