Sunday, December 20, 2020

Five days and Counting

Five days until Christmas and counting has begun.  You know about the counting don't you?  That's when you look at what you wanted to get done by Christmas and then look at what you GOT done and THEN look at what you have left.  Don't despair.   There is still time to get some things done  Perhaps you need to look at what you wanted to get done and change what it looks like.  Did you  need ALL those sections to that quilt?  Could you cut some out and it would still look great.  Perhaps you don't need to do a quilt but perhaps a pillow that they can cuddle with?  

That was one of my changes.  I need to do a quilt for a friend but it's not going to happen.  Actually it hasn't happened for about 10 years now so in 2021 I will try to change how I envisioned it before and see what can be done.  Perhaps a quilt will not be what it will end up as for so many things have changed in those 10 years.

I did, however, get one pillow done which I thought was cute.  This will be a present given out on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  Then I'll make one for myself because I think it is cute and it sure did feel good on my back when I sat in the rocking chair.  LOL.

I already have some projects that I started at the last minute which will carry me through the end of December.  I have to so much done on a project before it lets me put it aside until later.  I think by February I should be able to put the holiday projects away until July.  Why July?  You've heard of Christmas in July before right?  That's my reasoning anyway.  Don't worry though.  I will still be crafting.  

I had mentioned before that I wanted to pick up on my cross stitch again in 2021.  That required me to get a bit organized and now I am ALMOST done with that.  This is my stash of DMC floss.  You might think it is a lot, and you'd be right, but it is not all that I have.  As I mentioned, this is my stash.  I have projects that are kitted up waiting for me to work on them.  Most of them are from Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) and average around 60 colors in each one.  I did not count in those colors.  :)

This first picture is what I have organized so far.

This second picture shows what else I have to file away into my stash.  Sounds like a plan for Christmas Day or New Years Eve, etc.

Have you guessed how much floss I have?  What you see here is 934 skeins of floss.   I would estimate that I have about another 240 skins that are kitted up in projects.  You might think that is enough, but I know from experience that I will find a new project that I will want to do and when I kit it up there will be MORE floss that I will need.  LOL.  Such is the life of a crafter.

If I don't get a chance to post again before Christmas, I hope you all have a merry and safe holiday.  It doesn't matter if you celebrate it or not.  I will always wish you a great and safe day.  Live it well for you never know when it will be your last.  


esther said...

Love your pillow. And your right there is never enough floss for everything we want to get done.

Marsha Clark said...

Love that pillow too. Cute !
Have a Merry Christmas Sis ! Hugs <3

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...