Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Winding down 2020

 Just a short post to ask "Are you glad 2020 is coming to a close"?  I have mixed feelings on it but overall it hasn't been too bad.  Yes I know COVID curtailed a lot of my plans but overall I still think I came out ahead.

I didn't think I did a lot but over all I did.  I retired!  Number one on my list.  That, of course, enabled me to do more crafting.  So what else did I do?  I moved!  Some thought this was unexpected but for YEARS I had been saying that I would move after all of my immediate family passed away.  That happened so when I retired I also moved to Arkansas!  BEST move EVER.  I missed my friends in Illinois but we do keep in touch via social media and I kept my same phone number and email so it's not like they don't know how to keep in touch with me.

I also managed to meet my weight loss goal.  I actually lost a little more weight last week so now I am hovering between 179 and 181.  Considering that I weighed over 300 less than a year ago I am proud of my accomplishment.  The only problem with the weight loss is the "nothing fits any more".  It's a good thing I don't go out a lot, especially with COVID now, so I don't have to worry about it.

I have managed to get some UFO's done.  Those are craft projects that were started but not finished.  I am so enjoying having time to craft.  Being at home is NOT a problem.  I change out my projects and keep some out so I remember to work on them.  Today I bought a flannel sheet and put it up on the wall for a design wall.  This will be one way for me to remember to work on certain projects.  The design wall isn't perfect and I will be working on THAT in 2021 also.    So to inspire me is a UFO that I have been working on for years.  LeFleur!

Before that I had my house blocks for Corona-ville up.

That's it for now.  I will post tomorrow with some things I want to do in 2021.  I might even include a LONG list of BOMs for 2021.  See you on New Years Eve!

1 comment:

bournegirl said...

You are remarkable. I am so glad you share the adventure with us. I LOVE being retired, and even if it can be too busy trying to downsize, it's still the best. One of my goals was to get strength back in my legs and feet. It is going so well, I could dance--well, a couple more months for the dancing. You are an inspiration, and I am glad to say your inspiration is effective, Bonni!!!!!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...