Sunday, December 6, 2020

What's Cooking?

 Whew!  I don't know about you but my brain hurts as well as my hands because of trying to get all the projects done that I need to.  That means this post will be more about what I plan on cooking this week as well as introducing you to my friends new blog.   Susan (Susie) has been talking about journaling/blogging for a bit and I am so happy to see that she started.  You can use the link below to check it out.  She has just started so there isn't much to show yet but bookmark it to go back to later.  I will put a tag in the next day or two on the side of my blog so you can just click that.

Quilting Susie Blog

It is cold here today.  I shouldn't be surprised since it IS December so I sat down and made a list of what I would like to cook this week.  So far my list consists of:

apple butter or apple sauce, I'm not sure which yet

white lasagna

ramen noodle chicken soup

cookies - chewy ginger molasses; peanut butter (hopefully to put in the freezer for closer to Christmas and the New Year)

Cupcakes and frosting - not sure if yellow or chocolate 

That's all on my list so far but I feel like I am missing something that I had thought to add.  Oh well, sooner or later I will remember what it is...Oh..I just remembered!   Rice pudding.  I have a lot of rice and raisins so a nice rice pudding sounds good.  I will have to double check on how many eggs I have.  With all this cooking I might have to get more eggs before I can make everything.  LOL.

Now it's time for me to get my bible and do my daily reading challenge.  That is to read a chapter of Luke each day in December leading up to Christmas.  

The bible that I am reading out of was presented to "Mom Chamberlain" on December 25, 1953 by Anita and George Chamberlain.  In this case, Mom Chamberlain would be my grandmother and was given to her three years before I was born.  It is the King James Version "The text conformable to that of the edition of 1611 commonly known as the authorized or King James Version".  I have to be careful with it since the binding is coming off.  I need to get some glue or something to put it back on. 

I hope everybody stays safe and well.  I thank you all for reading and hope you have good holidays.

Peace to all.

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