Monday, December 21, 2020

Four Days and Counting

 I did some more work on some projects and made some decisions.  Will they be Christmas presents?  A couple of them will be but they won't be mailed until after Christmas.  Still I'm happy to have made progress on them

I have finally decided on which layout for the two log cabins that I did.  One is in a lighter colorway and I thought I'd like it a bunch more than I do.  These were kits from Jordan Fabrics and the pattern suggestions did not include a border but I think I want a border on them.

First up is the lighter colored fabric log cabin.

Because there isn't a clear or well defined darker portion of the log cabin, in my opinion, to stand out more, I'm going to use the above layout and keep it more traditional.  Any suggestions on border color and how many borders?

This next one is better.  It has a more distinct darker color on the outer row so I am going to chose this layout for it.

Once again the pattern was a kit from Jordan Fabrics and no border was mentioned.  I will put a border on this too but not sure yet what colors.

I did finish the reindeer Merry Christmas stitching.  It is all stitched down and now I have a hard decision to make.

Do I make it into a wall hanging or do I make it into a long pillow for the couch or some place else?  I could also make it into a table runner.  Decisions...decisions...decisions.  What do you think?  I probably won't finish it until sometime in 2021 but it is a good start.  Do you remember the reindeer names?  From Right to Left....





and Fritz.

You didn't meet Fritz before.  He is somewhat shy around social media but get him going at the Christmas Party!   Watch out!.  Rumor has it that he has hidden cameras in his antlers and that he uses it to his advantage.  Careful how much egg nog you have or more importantly, keep Fritz away from the egg nog.  Unless you want to see him dance Lord of the Rings.  He's getting better at it.  He makes it for a full 5 minutes before his legs get all tangled up.

The other progress I have to share with you is an idea for my friend Janine.  When Janine had some health issues and had to go into a nursing home for rehab, her family got rid of 99% of all the quilted stuff I had given her.  She asked me if I could make her something else.  Janine is a cat fanatic.  She can't have her cats any more and the family took them to a shelter also.  Soooo, I found these funky cats and thought of Janine.  I am putting one on a pillow and then I'll send down the pillows to her.  If they make it to her (with COVID I'm not sure) then I will send more.  

These are the first two.  I almost have them ready to put together.  I will mail them to her in January.  This first one is stitched down already so I will probably work on it a bit tomorrow to make it a pillow.

This second one will be stitched down by the weekend.  Janine used to crochet so I thought the cat playing with the yarn would appeal to her.

I have two more designs that I picked out that I could make more pillows out of.  These will be small enough she could put them on her bed if she wants or even in her wheel chair to lean against, etc.  What do you think?

That's it for tonight.  It is 11 p.m. (Central) so I am going to try and turn off my bran and get some sleep.  Have a great day and be safe.

Hugs to all.

1 comment:

A Walk With Susan said...

I love how the log cabins turned out. You did a great job. Janie will love the cat pillows, especially the cat with the yarn.

Finally we meet Fritz, okay now that the Clan are all here. Will there be adventures in store for us? Or are they on the lam hiding out until the Season is over? Inquiring minds want to know.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...