Yes another week has gone by and it is time for an update. This has been such a crazy week but I still have progress reports to make on my crafting and yardwork. First up is the yardwork. If you look back at last weeks post, you'll see two pictures of the stump. Guess what. The stump is no longer there. Dan came over and it wasn't even five minutes later that is was cut down further and he put it to the side of the tree where I stack up yard waste for the city to pick up.

Yes that is a pipe that you see there. I'm not sure why there was a pipe but the tree had started to grow around it. Dan will come over sometime and cut it down for me. I was afraid that people might trip over it or something so I put a yellow plastic bag from Dollar General around it and we fastened it with duct tape. There is still al little bit of the tree trunk left but he was running out of charge on his saw. His saw...OMG! It was the cutest thing. It was a small one handed chain saw. It cut off huge chucks of that tree trunk and then he used it also to get rid of some of the other dead branches and limbs over on the other neighbors side by the metal fence. It worked great! It was also cordless so no need for long extension cords etc. An update on this is that after dragging all those limbs onto the brush pile, today the city came with their chipper and now my brush pile is so much less. Most of what is left are weeds that I pulled etc. I will probably ask Dan for another 50 gallon yard garbage bag. Then I can put that in it and put it in my garbage can and roll it out to the street for garbage pickup. As long as it fits in the garbage can on wheels, they will take it. :)
I also have made some crafting progress. For those of you who are following my Blackwork Block of the Week Stitch A Long, I am caught up and here is my progress pix.
This makes 18 out of 56 weeks. This weeks filler I messed up a little bit and had to unstitch it. That's what I get for stitching when I'm tired but I'll get to that after I post this picture of my progress on the Words of Christmas.
This finishes the top half of the Words of Christmas and now I can start to work on the bottom half of it. It feels good to be half way done. I try to work on one word at a time and not think ahead. Otherwise I will get overwhelmed again and put it aside. Mind you that I still might put it aside once all the stitching is done but that will depend on how long it takes me to figure out how to finish it. Do I frame it? Do I make a pillow out of it? At least it would be all stitched by that point.
This week I also sent off my bluebird of happiness block to my partner in the Block Exchange. She received it according to the tracking number but hasn't posted it yet or anything. I get so impatient about these things.
My other craft thing that I'm working on yet is my Rose of Sharon BOM from 2014. I finally had to figure out what to do when 4 more leaves fell off. So today I am loosely basting down everything that I haven't stitched down yet and hopefully that will solve the problem. I'll let you know next week.
In between working on these things, Dan and I made a trip to the Crowley Ridge State Park which is in Walcott, AR. We were scouting out the place for a possible site for next year when my group has to host a big event. It is about an hour away from me but we had fun even though we both returned super tired (after eating at Golden Corral). I don't know about Dan, who had another 30 minute drive after dropping me off, but I took a 2 hours nap! Here are some pictures of the place. They have a separate area for groups to rent out so it might not be exactly like what it would be if you went there by yourself.
Our group would be renting it out for the weekend so we checked out what the cabins would be like.
Each of the group cabins have 4 bunk beds and three of the four have a trundle bed. The cabins are air conditioned and one cabin is handicapped accessible.
It is the kitchen that I loved though. There is a huge area to set up 11 long tables and you can see two or three different types of chairs available to use.
In addition the kitchen is an industrial one. Here is the six burner gas stove with a griddle and two ovens as well as a third oven-ish that you can light and pull out an actually grill (under the griddle)
The microwave and coffee maker is a necessity when you are having the area reserved for the weekend and that is an upright freezer.
Also you have a double door refrigerator, of course the sink but best of ice maker. We wouldn't have to drive 30 miles away just to get ice.
They have showers (men and women's separately) which also are handicapped accessible, a covered picnic area which has 6 long picnic tables, small grills by each of the cabins, huge firepits that they have grill work, upon request, if you wanted to cook outdoors. But don't worry...THEY come in daily to empty all garbage cans, restock the toilet paper and make sure nothing is stopped up (and if it is, we can call them to come out to fix it), and sweep up the ashes in the grills and firepits so you don't have to.
You can have liquor there and smoke but you can't smoke in the buildings or within 25 feet of them but otherwise ok. There is a walking path around that lake that is 1 mile. So yeah, I like this place. I can see it saving us a lot of time with them doing the garbage etc. And each of the buildings has an electronic lock on it that we set the code for. They will come by periodically just to make sure we aren't doing something we aren't supposed to but otherwise it sounds pretty good.
So if you're in the are sometime and are interested in places to stay....
There are lots of curves and ups and down in the road to get to it though. Oh well, nothing is perfect. Hehehe.
That's it for this weeks update. I hope everybody has a great day. Tomorrow it is supposed to start rain again, as in rain for four days, one day no rain and then a week of Thunderstorms. Perhaps that will give me stitching time then. LOL.