Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Crafting bug has hit again...

      I finally found my crafting bug again.  I think he hid under the couch knowing that he would be safe.  So what does that mean?  A lot and at the same time not much.  It means that I actually feel like working on things.  It also means that I get frustrated when things don't go right for me.  LOL.  

     So I have been working on my new block for the exchange. This is the pattern that I chose.  

     I have two leaves left to stitch down and then I'll probably switch to the browns.  I like to work on one color at a time so that I can thread 6 or so needles and have them all ready for me to use.  You'd all laugh at me if you saw my needles.  I have about 10 empty needles on  a pin cushion sitting on the arm of a chair next to my computer table.  Then I have two magnets with threaded needles on the side of the table.  It is a metal table so the magnets stick to it.  One magnet has my black DMC on it for my blackwork and the other one has red and white DMC threaded needles for a Christmas project.  THEN on my table runner which is on my table that  my printer  and computer is sitting on, I have six needles threaded in whatever color I am working on for the block shown above.  Also on my computer table is a mug rug that I have a couple of scissors, some misc. empty needles, and some floss that I will be using soon.  LOL.  As they say, everything is nearby.  Did I mention that when I get tired of working on one project, I put it on top of my hope chest which is on the right side of me.  This way, when I am in the zone, I don't have to move often.

     I found out yesterday that my friend Dan is going to kidnap me and take me to a SCA event which is being held around Memphis, TN.  I can't be too mad at him for not giving me much notice since he is treating me to it.  It is an Arts and Sciences themed event.  There will be an artisans row, merchants, food concessions, fighting demonstrations, games and entertainment.  The downside is that I have nothing to wear.  Well, to be honest, I do have things to wear but they don't fit me very well.  Ummm.  Could it be the fact that I've gained 30 pounds?  Nawwww.  It has to be something else, right?  I have something I could wear if we go to the more formal feast.  It is not the best but I can be satisfied with it.  The every day walking around garb is something I'm not happy with but Dan gave me ideas on how I can change it or fix it so I'll like it better.  That doesn't help me this weekend but I also know once I'm there, I will be too busy looking around at things and won't pay TOO much attention to my attire.  I'll try to take pictures.  

     Now that being said, one of the possible outfits that I *can* fit into needs something done to it.  It is a plaid (not something I normally like to wear) and thin.  There are buttons at the top but then the style or period that the outfit was styled in has open sleeves.  That bugs me so I was looking for some buttons that I could put on each sleeve to help close it up somewhat.  That means......DIGGING OUT THE BUTTON BOX!!!!

     For those of you who haven't seen my button box before, this is it.  If  you look carefully, you'll see around some of the buttons there are some scribbles around the buttons.  They were put on the box by my Niece in Law and her children.  My Niece in Law, Jessica, had taken all my buttons and box home with her to get it organized a bit.  Before she had a chance, her young children (who are now out of school and some are even married), got hold of the box and a pen and had fun decorating it THEIR way.  To cover it up, Jessica glued a lot of the buttons on it.  She apologized but I couldn't be mad at her.  It was too cute and such a clever solution.  Anyway, I wanted to look for buttons for the sleeves.  I found 3 but would have wanted 4 buttons to add to the garment.  THAT led to me emptying everything out and sorting out the buttons.  

     Now that the buttons are more organized, I am happier but still didn't find my 4th button.  I'll make it work somehow.  I could maybe use some of those wooden buttons.  If nothing else I won't wear that dress.  

     A friend asked me what I do with all those buttons.  Good question.  In the upper right corner, you might spot some white snowflake buttons.  Those I used to decorate Nora, my polar bear wall hanging.  Those buttons that are still in the packaging are Tilda Buttons.  When I was in a monthly program that featured Tilda patterns, quite often there was a packet of buttons that matched the project of the month in them.  They are adorable!  Other buttons just came from past and possible future projects.  One of my very first quilting projects was with a pre printed Raggedy Ann and Andy panel.  They were in the middle of the print and it showed a TON of buttons all around them.  I sewed real buttons over the printed buttons.  It took forever but it was fun  to do.  I saved me from figuring out quilting at the time and it was loved.  What more can one ask?

     Remember that table runner I was working on?  It is now all put together and just waiting for me to put on the binding.  I hope to have it all finished by the end of the month.  It is not the best work I've done but since it will be mostly covered up by dishes etc.  I will use it when I have company over and put it on my ironing board which is where I line up my food for a buffet style service.  I make do with what I have.  :)

     This shows all the proposed projects that I was working on.  I am happy to say that some of those have been finished and the rest are ongoing. 

     Well Hermione (with her new hairdo)

is staring at me.  Have you ever tried to stare down an owl?  Good luck with that.  I'd better sign off and get back to stitching.  I hope everybody has a great day.

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