Now that I have recovered a bit from the Faire, here is the rest of the pictures. There isn't much to say about them since I don't know most the people's name etc. While there I was inspired by what I saw and now have a couple of more projects in mind.
With that in mind...Here is some more eye candy.
These next two pictures gave me an idea. I am having trouble with my Tabard and was wondering how to take care of it. I think I might try to add something/trim on each side to tie it up. I also need to try and widen my neck hole. Sigh. So much to do. LOL.
This is part of Merchants row. They were also holding demonstrations on how to make various things for those who were intereted.
This is Savannah (Zanna). I'm not sure what her SCA name is but she is into crafts and even before moving to Arkansas, I would send her some things in the mail to help her with getting back into crocheting. She now helps out part time in a local business who has a lot of yarn. She does some of the samples and tries out their yarn. I think that is what she said. It is nice to put a face to somebody who I've been in contact with for over 3 years.
This is a friend of Dan's. Dan hadn't attended many Faire's and from everybody's reaction, they missed him. I think he was a little surprised but pleased.
A little bit of a close up of the Royals throne.
When they came in, the processional went through the arches formed by the guard and their swords (swords - SCA style anyway).
This was one of the gentlemen who was elevated in status. It was a big thing. Somebody from all the other orders had to say something on his behalf to the Royals. Each time somebody talked on his behalf and the King accepted their recommendation he was given another piece of gear.
This is the picture of what his outfit now looks like. :) I am sure that I'm not getting all the words right but you'll get the idea.
Zanna, getting recognized. I was still in shock from my trip up to the King and Queen so I didn't hear what for. I'll have to ask her or somebody else.
NOW....I had another inspiration from visiting. I'm not sure what inspired me with this, but I have decided to make a Hnefatafl (Viking chess game) game board.
From Wikki: Hnefatafl, also known as The Viking Game, The King's Table or simply Tafl, is one of those two-player games where the opposing sides are not equal in number. The defending side comprises twelve soldiers and a king, who start the game in a cross formation in the center of the board. Their objective is for the king to escape by reaching any of the four corner squares. The attackers comprise 24 soldiers positioned in four groups of 6 around the perimeter of the board. All pieces move like the Rook in chess and pieces are taken by "sandwiching" i.e. moving your piece so that an opponent's piece is trapped horizontally or vertically between two of yours.Here are some pictures of the board. I like this design best.
Here is another view of it with the pieces on it.

This one is a variation of the board. I have to do more research to see what I'll pick to copy from.
That is it. I got caught up with everything and didn't notice my battery draining down so had to stop there. LOL. That's ok. I hope this gave you an idea on what a small event would be like.
I hope you enjoyed it. Now, in order to get used to typing my name as now I have to on my Exchequer Reports, etc.
Have a blessed day.
Gudrun of Bromeland, O.O. C.
Mundanely known as Bonni Feltz
PS and FYI: Gudrun = my SCA name
of Bromeland = where she is from.... and Bromeland is my maiden name. Ancestors came from Norway. Near Sand, Norway.
O.O.C. = Order of the Onyx Chalice
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