How has your week been? My ups and down varied this week.
I wanted a more specific type of wall hanging to carry me over from October to November. I like the wall hangings for Halloween but didn't really want one up on my wall. So I had an idea. That can lead to trouble as well as aggravation. What was my idea?
I cut out a ton of pumpkins and pinned them onto my house wall hanging. My energy gave out after that. I hadn't realized how many pumpkins I would need! I was talking to a friend about how my energy had drained me and my urge to work on it faded. This was to be a temporary fix so I could take them off after Halloween. If it worked out, I was thinking of doing something similar for other holidays...maybe. What was the solution that my friend came up with? In her words of wisdom she said..."Then don't stitch it. It is not like you have a lot of people over and you only meant it to be temporarily anyway. Just keep it like it is." Well, Duh! I knew she was a friend for a reason. LOL.

That crisis temporarily solved, I set it aside. Next I picked up my blackwork. Then I put down my blackwork. I lost 2 needles which fell on the floor and couldn't find them. I couldn't figure out where was a good place to start the blackwork again so I put it back down. I decided to take a nap hoping that would clear my head. That worked so when I picked it back up, I realized my mistake and was able to go ahead and make progress. I got over it and made it past the corner that gave me problems.
I'd like to say that things went smoothly after that but you know me. Crafting is not a simple thing with me. First stumbling block? I couldn't find my needles. I usually keep them on the table next to my computer. I vaguely remember moving everything off of the table so that I could pin the pumpkins onto the wall hanging. I didn't notice the missing needles right away though. I had a giant magnet with my blackwork needles all threaded that I keep on the side of the computer table. So I stitched until I ran out and that was when I other needles were available. That was after I dropped those two needles so I had to replace them. That rectangle of fabric that I keep on the table next to me was so handy. I could keep around 10 needles on it and I had them separated in sections. One section had my blackwork needles, one section my redwork needles, one section needles with my DMC floss on it for my quilting block, etc.
Where was it? I have now have no idea where it is. THAT made me scramble for some more needles so I could keep stitching. Thinking I had that problem temporarily solved, I picked up my crewel work. Wait...where's my needles for that and why isn't that green cooperating? Time to change up some colors. Two greens are too close together but I'm keeping them anyway. I am NOT unstitching it again since I unstitched it four times before I was satisfied.
So today is a what is scheduled today for the roller coaster crafting ride? Will it be a high or a low? Neither will totally stop me but they can delay me a bit. :)
How is your day going?
Sorry for the bad formatting everybody. I messed it up and then decided to just keep it as is. That's life. LOL.
Thanks for the support. It somehow feels like it is unfinished but at the same time finished. I'm lazy right now so it will probably be unfinished. Although if I decide to do it that way, doesn't it make it finished then? LOL.
If you say it's finished, it is LOL. Your house, your rules! I have so many "unfinished" projects going on I may never get them all done, unfinished quilters and crafters unite might be a good support group to start, LOL! If I could spend less time hunting stuff that I know I have, I might get a bit more done, alas it's all good and it will get done and I'll find what I'm hunting sooner or later ;)
I like your thinking Sewgranny. I will consider it done and then work on getting it hung up. I might have to wait for my friend Dan to come over for that. I can probably do it but he is taller and has longer arms. :))
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