Friday, December 23, 2011

December 23? Where did this month go?

I can't believe it is 30degrees outside (F) and it is December 23.  I also can't believe that I woke up two days ago with a swollen face.  Evidently I have my allergy attack again.  The last time it was this bad was in June 2010.  That time it took about 4 months to get rid of the swelling.  It would come and go periodically during that 2 months.  I'm hoping that it won't take that long this time. 

I finished mom's Xmas gift.  It's in her Christmas stocking but I will take a picture of it when she opens it up.  I think it turned out pretty good.  I had a problem figuring out what to put in Tony's sock this year.  I'm not sure if he'll be at nursing home or in the hospital.  He took a slight turn for the worse (or his kidneys did) and he had his first dialysis treatment.  They weren't going to send him back to rehab until they found out how he reacts to it  He will get his stocking though...I just have to wait to see if I'll be taking it to the hospital or nursing home.

With my allergies acting up I find myself trying to get more sleep.  I suppose that is to be expected with taking on a daily basis 1 zyrtec and 2 benedryl every four hours.  It DOES cut into my quilting time though.

Well time for another dose of benedryl.  I'll write more over the weekend.

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All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...