Friday, January 13, 2012

Live in Hearts

I saw a quote that somebody said Thomas Campbell said.  I'm not sure if that is right but I liked the quote.

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die".  How appropriate for many people at this time of year.  That prompted me to take in to work some of the slides that I found when going through Tony's stuff.  My office borrowed a piece of equipment that converts slides to jpegs.  Might as well use it while I have it there, right?  :)

Besides chuckling at the clothes and hairdo's of the mid 70s, I found a picture of MY grandmother Mertie Chamberlain.  This was taken in 1976.  I'll have to look  up and see if I can find out how old she was when this picture was taken.  I would have just graduated from Community College with my A.A.S. (Secretarial Science) and if I remember right, grandma would have died around 3-5 years later.  Funny how you associate things with events. 

More to follow as I continue to look through funny dressed people....oh wait.  One shouldn't talk about thei family (and themselves) like that should we. 

Here is a pix of my Aunt Anita.  She is still with us but she wouldn't be if she saw I put this up.  She'd die from shock and/or laughing so hard.  She is currently in her early 90s.  This was taken in 1943.

I lightened up the picture in Picassa so we could see her better. 

Since I am already in the dog house showing family pictures let me do one more before I leave work today.  This one is my mom back in 1975.  It is somewhat craft related.  My sister in law had done crewel embroidery work on two wall hangings of Hummels.  Mom had a Hummel collection at the time and she kept these wall hangings that Bobbie did even when she first moved into the nursing home.

Once again I lightened it up somewhat so you could see it a bit better.  How do you like that TV and her electric candles in the window?  She always had to have a chair by the window and if she could have a choice it had to be a rocker.  This was.

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All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...