Sunday, January 13, 2013

Turtle Update

My friend Diane sent me a picture of Brutus the Sea Turtle as inspiration to continue on with the wall hanging called Herd of Turtles.  It must of worked because I made progress.  Here's Brutus who came up on the sand to get warm.

Doesn't Brutus look comfortable?

Here's the Herd coming to visit him.

I have one more turtle to work on and then, hopefully, the stitching will be done on the top.  I still want to dye the turtles a little bit darker and I think I have the solution.  I won't know until tomorrow because my test material has to dry first.

If things go according to plan, the steps will be:

1.  finish stitching the turtles
2.  wash the top since I used glue on it
3.  Dye the turtles
4.  sandwich the top and quilt
5.  Get it in the mail.  I'm not sure I can get it all done and mailed by the end of the month but then they ARE turtles and perhaps they are moving slow.

I had to stop since my finger was getting sore.  I'll take a break for a couple of days and then get back to it.  I will have to remark the last turtle anyway before I cut and stitch.

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