Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gone up in Smoke!

It's a great day outside but my energy level this weekend hasn't been there.  I still managed to call up Carbonite to see if they could fix my external terabyte drive.  It wasn't good news. It appears that my external drive has gone up in Smoke.  Now I can try to take it to a local to see if they can do a recovery but Carbonite guy (Brad) said to be careful.  Just in the 2 hours that he worked with me on it, he could see it deteriorating more.  Question is do I want to spend the money to see if they can recover it.  He doesn't think it would be good to send it in the mail any place since it is so fragile right now.  The estimated cost, which is super estimated is between $100 and $1500. It all depends on how long it would take them to work on it.  Is it worth it?  I'm not sure.  I will miss the information.  It has ALL my gaming, pictures, movies, patterns on it.  Some of it could be recovered but not all the old pictures.  This was my back up.  I have some on other back up systems but like most people, after time you forget to back up the back up.  Must think now on different way to do things.  Since I don't have the extra money right now it will sit in the corner of my sewing room in a safer spot.

That wasn't the only thing that went up in smoke.  I drowned my sorrows over the lost information by toasting some marshmellows.  These are toasted inside on a stick and using my long handled candle lighter.  LOL.

That was yummy.  What else did I work on?  I worked on the Facebook Quilters BOM.  Here is the May mug rug all stitched down.

I am almost finished with my first block for the Rose of Sharon BOM.  Have some leaves to stitch down so that will be done this week.  I also noticed that on Craftsy, Jenny of Elefansz has a free stitching pattern for Mother's Day (next week people!).  It's relatively simple and cute so I might try to get that stitched up for mom.  Wish me luck.
It's called Simply Love.  Isn't that cute?  Run over to Craftsy to grab it up.  I search for it brought this up.

If it doesn't work for you just type in Simply Love by Jenny Elefransz and it should take you there.  Of course while you're there, have fun looking around for the free patterns.  Hey look!  I don't have to retrieve those patterns for the crashed drive.  Craftsy stores them for me.  Cool, right?

Another cool thing was that my friend Connie, put some of the patterns I had sent her on a dvd for me so I can start to recover my quilting patterns.  Thanks Connie!

How was your weeend?


BillieBee (billiemick) said...


Kat Scribner said...

that is terrible news, Bonni. I can only imagine how badly you feel.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...