Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May Day!

May 1st...May Day.  Do you have a story to tell about a May Day tradition?  I grew up in the country and I remember that we used to make May Baskets in school.  I would give mine to mom but then she would think that we should make some for our neighbors.  The theory was that we should drop off the baskets on the door step, ring the doorbell or knock and then run away as fast as we could in order not to get caught. Nice in theory but when you live out in the country, they hear you come up the drive or are already out playing.  Still it was fun to try to get away.  Do you remember dancing around a May Pole?  Done that also.  I'll let you look up that tradition.

I haven't been posting lately because there was so much going on right now.  It's finally starting to settle down a little bit.  Let me just say that identity theft is a MAJOR PAIN!  I am now getting things sort of back on track but where do you start with all the projects and stuff you want to do?

I started with going back and seeing how many blocks I was behind in the Animal Babies BOM that Angie's Bits N Pieces is doing.  I was behind THREE!  They come out around the 7th so that means it won't be too long before I could be FOUR blocks behind.  That wouldn't do.  I managed to get the three blocks (zebra, monkey and hippo) fused on and am now ready to hand stitch the buttonhole on them.  I did finish the hippo.  If I do say so myself, she's kinda cute.

I'll try to take a better picture of the hippo.  The colors didn't turn out very well in this one.  The Zebra needs to be stitched down so that it doesn't look so washed out but I think that the monkey looks cute already.

What got me going again with crafting?  Did I do these last weekend when it was my "crafting weekend"?  Of course not.  It took me the whole weekend to put away all my fabric and get a bit organized again.

I finished just in time for the mini BOM from The Quilt Pattern Magazine to come out.  Being a "mini", it didn't take long to finish it.  They are only 4.5" blocks.

To be continued in May Day Part 2......

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