Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's Coming!!!!!!!

You can shake your head.  You can hide your head.  It won't change the fact that the holiday's will be upon us.  As a reminder, more for me than my readers, I've put up a countdown til Christmas.  Yes, I know.  I'm one of those sick people who like to be reminded how little time I have left to get some things done.  :)

I'm in a Christmas swap this year and I'd love to post some of my projects I'm thinking of doing for it BUT....the recipient of it might see it before they receive it.  Part of the fun is seeing all the festive patterns and I have to thank my friend Connie for supporting that addiction.  She showed me some of her new patterns and there are a couple that I L...O...V...E.  I might make one of them for Christmas.  Even if I don't give it to my partner in the Christmas Swap, it's small enough that I could do it for mom in the nursing home.  I could also hang it up in my office.  So many possibilities!  Of course those possibilities will be limited if I don't get off my butt and get them done.  LOL.

What will you be working on for the holidays?

Oh..almost forgot. Here is the inspiration for my next wall hanging.

One of the people, Penny's Touchofhome, showed off her beautiful bars of soap that she made on this plate.  When I saw the plate underneath the soap I asked her if I could see a better picture of it and soon we were chatting back and forth about how to turn it into a quilt project.  You all know that I love applique and this immediately struck a cord with me.

Penny has already picked out fabric to make hers with as well as sketched out a pattern.  I'm not sure what, or even when, I'll get to this but don't you think it would make a great wall hanging?  I am thinking of doing on plate in the middle.  It would be small enough that I could hang it up in my office.  Some ideas that were banted back and forth between Penny and I was the possibility of using small dishes for the corners.  I will be interested to see if she does that (it was her idea).

So stay tuned for updates and musings about future projects.

I hope everybody has a great day!

Monday, July 29, 2013

What are you working on?

I have the day off work (shock and joy at the same time) and I wanted to be somewhat productive.  So I ended up started to work on the snowman blocks.  I need to borrow some green from Connie to finish it plus put in all the snowflakes but they are coming along nicely.

Then I remembered that I hadn't done July's Animal Baby yet.  It's a Koala.  HOW could I not do that?  It's hard to see the picture but here it is fused.  I need to finish stitching it down yet but that too is started.  

What are you working on?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Another Inspired square done

I managed to finish another of the "Inspired" squares today.  I'll square them all up later.  My grandmother always said show the back of your work.  I seldom do but in her honor (and also because the back doesn't look too bad) I'm also posting a picture of the back.

I was debating on what to work on next.  Another "Inspired" block or a mug rug or what.  Then I received a text that asked if I was done with this months two snowmen blocks.  Oops.  I guess I'd better work on that next.  My friend Connie is sharing her perle cotton with me for this and she needs it back so she can work on her squares.  I am off work on Monday so I will be working on the snowmen Sunday and Monday.  If I get them done in time I'll work on this months bucket list.  I think I have it figured out on how to do it and can make just one square.    We'll see.  :)

Everybody have a great day.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The secret is out.....What I am saving up the courage to do!

I signed up for Esther Aliu's 2013-14 BOM called "Love Entwined:  1790 Marriage Coverlet".  It is sooooo intimidating that I'm not sure if I'll ever do it or just collect it.  So far I'm in the collecting stage.

You want to see what it looks like?  Here is what the original looks like. Esther Aliu is converting(?) it over and offering it as a BOM in 2013-2014.  As a lot of people are doing, if you sign up for it you get the pattern segment free for the month that it is offered but you can buy any past months that you might have missed.

If you want to see one of the color combinations that Esther is/was thinking about go to:

Wish me luck.  Don't expect to see any part of it soon but I'll get to it someday.  I think it is too complicated for me right now but on the other hand.....oh dear.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I am fortunate

I am most fortunate in the fact that I have so many friends.  So thank you all who I consider to be my friends.  :)

I am also fortunate that I finished the mini block of the month this month.  Didn't think that I would EVER get it done even though it is relatively simple to do.

I had to do it twice because I didn't cut my fabric wide enough.  I"ll make a mug rug out of the first one.  The first one looks more like a flower than a star but that's ok.  It's a learning process.

The other reason that I am so fortunate is that I received a super lovely birthday present the other day.  My friend Connie bought me Sweet Sixteen applique quilt pattern designed by Edyta Sitar.  I LOVE her work.

I am itching to start this one or at least one or two blocks from it but need to finish my inspired blocks first.

Oh well.  back to stitching.  I hope you are having as great of a weekend as I am.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Stitch Out 2013

Today was the great Stitch Out 2013 at Needles in Rochelle.  Had a wonderful time.  If you're on facebook, here is there facebook page.

Their website is

Go check them out.  Now to chat about the Stitch Out 2013.

As you can see, I took some picture but, typically me, I forgot to get peoples names.  So if anybody know the names of these people let me know and I'll add them in.  LOL.

OOPS!  Forgot one of the pictures and it is one of the owners of the shop.  Can't have that can I?

Yep, that's were I was.  At Needles in the MayMart shopping center.  We were to bring our own lunch and chairs and they furnished drinks and munchies.  Oh my!  The munchies were great!

See that pink bottle?  We got that from them (isn't it cute?) and that basket of munchies?  Rumor had it that the astronaut food (as we called it) of dried pears, apples and other fruit, was delish.  I can vouch for the packs of teddy graham bears.  That was just on the outside.  Inside there was lemonade for us to put in the bottle and cupcakes and YUMMMY cookies.  Let's face it, large chocolate chip cookies and large macadamia nut cookies ARE yummy.

They also had door prizes and I won!  This next picture is what one lady was working on (black and red quilt for a new NIU student from the family) and she won a door prize of red and black pre cut squares.  Wonderful isn't it?

Here's my door prize.  I won the pattern for a candle mat.  Isn't that cute (I know I'm saying that a lot).  A birthday mug rug or candle mat.  I will certainly have to make this.

I had given Connie a reverse applique pattern and she brought it.  She didn't think it turned out right but it did.  She will get two table runners from this pattern.  This pix might not make sense but it will when it is ironed on.

This picture, however, will make more sense.  Isn't that great?  The green is what she cut out from the above picture.  I think it will turn out great.  She also was using Karen Buckley applique scissors.  I need to get some.  I have Karen Buckley scissors but they are the regular size ones not the small applique ones.

Not everybody was working on quilting stuff.  The shop has fabric but also has a nice selection of yarn.  These ladies were working on yarn stuff.  

There were about 14 people there  and I believe everybody had fun.  I even told Connie she could take my picture.  Typically I don't like my picture but I did say I would post it.  I was slouched into the chair and had my hair up since it was warm.  There was a nice breeze out and I don't think we could have had a nicer day.  
 Since Connie took my picture I figured it was only fair that I take hers.  Turn about IS fair play after all.  :)

Anyway, I hope that they stay around for awhile and that this will become a yearly event.  The personnel is very friendly and helpful.

Everybody have a happy day.  I'm tired and plan on going to bed early.  :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finished one block, starting the next

As promised, here is the picture of the one block that I just finished for my Inspired quilt.  Unfortunately the white on white doesn't always come out well.

It's time to start on the next block.  If I was stitching them down row by row, it would be another corner block but I skipped that one to work on some more flowers.  TIme to have lunch and then work on a couple of stitches over lunch.

Tip for Applique

First of all let me say that this isn't MY tip.  I'm passing on the link so that you can read it for yourself.  It's a marvelous idea and makes me wonder why I didn't think of it since I work with file folders all day long.  Perhaps that's why.  This idea was posted on Baltimore Garden Quilts Blog.  She has a great blog and lots of eye candy as well as great tips.  Check it out at:

She shows how to take file folders and strips of batting and use them to store and hold your applique pieces.  I think this is a marvelous idea because then you could also write the project name on the file folder tab.

I'll post more later but wanted to share that blog with you now.   I have finished two squares now on my Inspired wall hanging.  I'll take a picture of the finished second piece and show you what I am starting on for the third (of nine) block.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Looking forward to Saturday

It's only Tuesday but I thought I'd point out that I'm already looking forward to this Saturday.  Why you ask?  It's because I am going to Needles' First Annual Stitch Out 2013!

What is the Stitch Out?  Needles is a new shop in Rochelle, IL that has both yarn and fabric.  They are having a stitching get together on Saturday, July 20th from 11 - 4 p.m..  Hopefully the weather will cooperate because it is to be in the Parking lot outside of the shop.  We bring our own chair and a sack lunch and something to work on.  I will be bringing some applique things to work on.  Not sure what yet but it's not Saturday yet so I have time.

My friend Connie will be there also which will be nice.  It is always nice to stitch with friends.  Who knows, perhaps I will make some new friends also.

So check out their website.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A lovely Day for a Stroll

It's a lovely day here in DeKalb.  Hot with a mild breeze.  Just the kind of day you find yourself taking a walk on.  Here's today's scenic scenes from NIU in DeKalb, IL.

It looks like I wasn't the only person out for a stroll.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I'm finally starting to feel a bit more energy and not coughing as much today which is a good thing.  That means I can now try to absorb some of the reading material that I am behind on.  A good place to start is my email inbox.  LOL.

In todays mail, Penny Halgren from talked about needles used in quilting.  I liked her article and thought I'd share the link in case you wanted to read about them.  You don't have to be a quilter to use needles, of course, since at one point in time or another everybody has had a button come off or had to patch something.

It's a short article and written in terms that even I can understand. 

Check it out.

Now it's time to get to work so that I can make more money to spending on Quilting.  LOL.

Have a happy day everybody.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Time to think of Holidays? Already?

I don't have any pictures to share this time around.  Work was very busy for me and I didn't get any stitching time in.  I did chill out with looking through some patterns for holiday crafts.  I am in a Christmas swap but won't know my person until after August.  I thought I'd still start to look through a couple of patterns for "filler".  On craftsy I found a cute snowman mug rug which I might do.  That would be like an "extra" thing to put in the box.

My friend Janine is now in her own apartment after her husband (hereafter referred to as "ex") left her. I think it will be a good move for her.  She knows that I quilt so she has already asked me for a couple of small things for her wall.  She first wants something to hand up on the door and it only needs to be around 12" so that won't be too bad.  I might make her some holiday mug rugs and/or placemats.  Craftsy has some cute ones (as well as Fat Cat Patterns) which I might print up and do.  It's about that time of year where it is always good to have small projects on hand.  That way when my "memory" isn't so good I have a present on hand to give somebody.  That's the plan anyway.  Not sure how it will turn out.

My cold is doing better but I'm still tired so I think I will go and lie down.

Happy Crafting everybody!

Friday, July 5, 2013

One down - Eight to go

Finally finished one of the 9 blocks for the Inspired Quilt.  This is one of the four corners.  I will take a break from the other three and work on another block.  It took longer than I thought since I'm trying to take smaller stitches.  Go figure!  LOL.

The stitches are approximately 1/8" of an inch (both height of stitch and distance between stitches).  I hope to keep that as my goal for all the stitching of the blocks.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

cough cough cough

That is all I seem to be doing today!  At least I get to leave work early so that perhaps I can get a bit more rest and some more cough drops.  I think that the coughing is the worst part of any cold.  Soooo, to brighten myself up, here are some more pictures from the International Quilt Show.  These are actually the last of the pictures and I hope you enjoyed seeing them.  Hopefully I will feel better to stitch some more on the Inspiration quilt squares.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...