Thursday, February 13, 2014

The HEXIES are here! The HEXIES are here!

If you have been reading my posts, you will have noticed that I posted about The Hexie Blog.  Well I am doing that but am being totally lazy.  I am having Rose from Custom Quilt Kits cut out my hexies with her GO! and also picking out my fabric for me. It's about as stress free as I can get for this.  After sending her the link so she will know what to cut for me, she has also decided to do the Hexie BOM.  :)  There are a few changes in how I will be doing mine.  My hexies are going to be around 4".  Did I get that right?  You can see how large they are in one of the pictures.

First of all there is the January snowflake.

It is done in shades of blue.  These are the blues that Rose picked out for me.

For February, the pattern is for a heart.

Rose chose various shades of red fabric and I can't wait to start to work with them.

Another great thing that I was able to do was to have Rose cut me my templates.  So I have a nice bag of Hexie templates with a hole in them for easier removal.

Doesn't this sound almost too easy?  I can't wait to start.  Perhaps tonight while I'm watching tv?  I'll have to update you later on my progress.

I also received my next civil war block to work on which is to be flying geese.  I'll post progress on that later also.  Most of my sewing will be done on the weekend I think.

I hope everybody will have a great day and I'll talk to you later.  :)

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