Monday, December 29, 2014

FARTing next month!

What?  You don't know what I mean?  No I don't mean THAT kind of farting.  I mean
planning a FART (Fabric Acquisition Road Trip).  In my CQ-4-CBees group, this post came through.  I thought that I would re post it here.

So I while I dream of HIPS and FARTS and hope to a PhD by the time I go back to work.  THat might require me to pull out some PIGS though.  (grins).

BOM = Block of the Month
DSM = Domestic Sewing Machine
FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
FOB = Fear of Binding
FQ = Fat Quarter
HIPS = Hundreds of Ideas Piling Skyward
HST = Half-Square Triangle
LAQ= Long Arm Quilter
LQS = Local Quilt Shop
MAQ = Mid-Arm Quilter
PhD = Projects half Done
PIGS = Projects in Grocery Sacks
SABLE = Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
STASH = Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
TGIF = Thank God It's Finished!
TOT = Tone-on-Tone
UFO = UnFinshed Object
WHIMM = Works Hidden In My Mind
WIP = Work In Progress
WISP = Work In Slow Progress
WOF = Width of Fabric
WOMBAT = Waste of Money, Batting, and Time
WOW = White On White

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