Monday, January 31, 2022

February Plans

It's the last day of Januarty and it is time to start to think of February.  This month I am going to try and plan my meals more.  I look at all these recipes and such but don't end up cooking them a lot.  It's another hobby that I collect.  LOL.  With that in mind, I figured out how much I can spend for groceries this month and then made a list of possible meals.

What's on the menus at this point?

egg muffins

mac n cheese

geas and rice

tuna quiche


hamburger helper type

bologna spread (for sandwiches - similar to the ham  spread that  mom used to buy)

fried rice


shepard pie

corn beef hash


blushing penne pasta

bbq sandwiches

pasta salad

home bakes

pot pie







   beef stew

   pea, beans (greenbeans), and potato (an old family recipe and favorite)

What do you think?


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Cooking Day

 I woke up today and felt like cooking so I made some peanut butter cookies and breakfast egg muffins.  Earlier in the month I made some other food also (duh, of course I did since I have to eat) and forgot to post the pictures so I am including them in this post also.  First up the peanut butter cookies.

Much to my surprise they came out right the first time around!  I almost decided to make another batch but didn't want to press my luck.  

Earlier in the day I decided to make some breakfast egg muffins.  The only reason they are called muffins is that they are cooked in a muffin tin.  LOL.  This batch consists of in each time, an egg, some hamburger, and some cheese. 

I like to eat these by themselves or between bread for  a quick breakfast sandwich.  I usually make them up when I have leftovers.  I use almost any kind of meat I have around or veggies.  It is a good way to use up eggs that are about to expire too!

Of course I forgot to post a picture of a casserole when I made it earlier in the month but here it is.  I saw it on an YouTube video.  I like to watch videos that show cheap (or extreme) shopping trips to see how cheap you caa make a meal.  Sometimes I get good ideas on casseroles.  What drew me to this recipe is that you use a stove top type dressing on top and then pour chicken brother over that so it doesn't get dried out.  It was really good.

Another recipe I made that I forgot to post a picture of was my Sunday roast.  Nothing like roasts on Sundays.  It brings back so many great memories.  This time it was a pork loin roast with potatoes, onions, and carrots.

With all the cooking on my mind, I couldn't resist ordering another cookbook.  Did I need it?  Of course not but that didn't stop me.  LOL.

I'll let you know how it is when I get it.  :)  In the meantime, stay safe and warm.

Hugs to all!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Medical Updarw and other stuff

 Wow////////////1  Today has been a day of ups and downs.  First off I had a phone call from the city water department.  It appears that my wter bill and numbers are way off from the last readings.  So after a lot of phone calls it seems that I've had a leak that wasn't leaking inside the house but outside the house.  It took a bit to find it but eventually the leak was found but not before my meter said I had used thousands of gallons of water.  I don't know how much the "hefty" bill will be but I might know by next week.

In between phone calls of that, I had my doctor's appointment.  Not much to tell on that front though.  My right eye is holding its own and even though no more steroid drops in it, it hasn't gotten worse.  My left eye, the bad one, is getting better but still has a long way to go.  That means more steroid drops in the left eye although it is now four times a day.  I still have to go to the doctor every week but hopefully it will eventually end.  The doctor did say that the redness in the eyes looks less and that is a step forward.

With all the stress of today my eyesight isn't good today.  Forgive me if I misspelled words and such but I can't see the print that well today.  I'll keep ypu up to date and I hope you will all be safe and warm.

Friday, January 21, 2022

What? Another post?

 WOW, I'm on a roll.  It is a cold da here in Arkansas.  The high barely got above freezing and I spent most of the morning hibernating underneath the blankets all wrapped up.  What a great morning.  LOL.  Even now I feel it calling me.  I decided that I must stay awake if I want to sleep tonight.  I slept good last night all the way up to 2 a.m.  That's when I moved to the love seat and brought out a blanket to add to the ones I keep there.  After lighting the pilot light again, I blissfully buried underneath everything and got some more sleep.  The pilot has stayed on since then so don't worry, I am keeping warm.  The temp in the house is a little cool but that just makes being a mummy underneath blankets all the more fun.  My landlord has a regular for the furnace on order but it hasn't come in yet.  :)  So far no frozen pipes so I'm getting along ok.

A cuople of hours later I went outside and fed the cats.  Only a couple of them were up and waiting.  I just finished giving them their evening meal and this time there was 4 cats out there and they had eaten all their earlier food so they are doing ok.  Feeding the cats got me thinking on what to make for the weekend.  I needed to thaw out the meat so I had to plan ahead.  I was going to cook.  I think I will cook a small pork loin roast since I also have some potatoes that need cooking and I also have some carrots and onions.  Not sure when to cook it since it is frozen and this weather isn't conducive to  a quick thaw.  Then I found around 4 recipes that I printed up for my "Monday recipe" emails.,  I am thinking now that perhaps tomorrow I will make one of them. It is called Hemberger  Jazz.  It is simple and I have everything for it but have to thaw out the hamburger.  The ingredients are:  ground beef, cream of mushroom soup, diced tomatoes, rice, shredded cheese and salt and pepper to taste.  I think it should be good and it makes 4 serving so I won't have a ton of leftovers.

I also cleaned up the other side of the sewing room.  One step closer to getting back into crafting.  I am downloading some BOMS but I won't mention them yet.  I'm waiting to see how long it will take me to get to be able to work on them and that will tell me how many BOMs I will collect.  First up is some blocks of Ladies Aid that need to be done and caught up on.  Th next block in that is one that has hearts on it so that would be good to work on in February.  Speaking of February, I need to change up some of my wall hangings to reflect February.  I have at least one will hanging that has hearts on it but it isn't finished yet.  The top is done so I can at least put it up on the design wall as a reminder to get it done.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Everybody hvae a great day and stay warm and safe.  I'll post again when I have more updates.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Back from the eye doctors

 It's Thursday which means another update on my eyes since I went to the eye doctor.  This time the news is a little better.  I still have to go to the eye doctor every week and am still on the steroid eye drops.  HOWVER...I only have to put the drops in my left eye now and only  have to do 6 drops a day.  That was good news.  I flat out told the doctor that I couldn't afford $100 on prescriptions every three weeks and he said he already issued generic and doesn't have samples so by cutting down on how many drops hopefullly it will spread out the times I have to pay for more eye drops.  I'm afraid that the left eye is going to be a problem for a long time.  My pressure in the eyes is still good but he is concerned that the infectious liqueid in my eye might  sel up and attach itself to my eye (it is already starting that).  If it totally seals itself around the eye then that means glaucoma and laser surgery.  That is going to be something down the road and won't knowhow success he has been for a bit yet.  Oh yes, some good news.  I don't need drops in the right eye any longer.  It is almost back to normal and it will stretch out the eye drops if I don't have to put them in the right eye.  I was also able to read part of the eye chart today.  That's a first since I have been going there or at least a first to read something besides the big E.  This time I made it to the line that had 3 letters on it.  Not much of a difference but it really made me feel better.

Another thing that made me feel better was that I found some needles that I could thread.  It took a long time to thread them but I could thread it at least.  Then I got out my cross stitch quilt blocks and managed to take a few stitches in that.  I had to take my blue water soluble pen and mark over the stamped cross but it worked.  Onward and upward!

I need to think of something else to do for Dan.  He has been so good about driving me to the eye doctors and getting meds and such that just cookies now and then don't cut it with me.  Today he got oatmeal craisin cookies.  :)

It is time for me to rest my eyes so I'm signing off for now.  Everybody have a great day and stay warm.  

Hugs to all

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 No not for my eye but in getting things straightened up.  Ever have one of those days when you can't stay awake any longer so you go to bed early and then, of course, that means you wake up early.  I didn't mind it last night though.

There is a series on Disney+ calle the Book of Boba Fett.  It's a Star Wars background, etc. series.  Each episode comes out on Wednesday around 2 a.m. Central time.  I had gone to bed around 9 p.m. last night and drifted i and off all snuggled under blankets while listening to a Harry Potter audiobook.  Then I woke up around 2 a.m. and decided to stay up. After getting dressed and something to drink, I noticed it was 4 a.m.  Ok, that was a good time to check in with Boba Fett.  The opening scene was just starting when I got a notice that my computer was going to restart since it had been working on updating to Windows 11.  Hey Susan!  Remember when we were talking and I checked the box that said to upgrade?  It took from that long until 4 a.m. for it to tell me it was ready to start the change.  Sigh.  That meant that Boba was going to have to wait and boy did he wait.  The downloads and restarts didn't end until 6 a.m.  What was I to do since I couldn't use the computer?  Well this is what I decided to do.

I fed the cats early so they could try and get some food before the rain settled in.  I also cleaned up my sewing room a little bit.  About half of it is clean now.  Then I started laundry, got some last minute garbage out for pick up and FINALLY the computer said the upgrade was done.  So now I could watch Boba and it was a great episode, and then what to do.  

Bed sounded good so I went back to sleep for a couple more hours.  How great was that?  I don't do that often because usually when I'm up, I'm up.  Oh yes, that also means that I took two doses of the eye drops and downloaded a couple of blocks for BOMS.  Quite busy for the start of the day  con'tyou think?

Tomorrow is another eye doctor's visit so hopefully I will have an update on that too.  In the meantime, stay safe and warm.

Hugs to all.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Mid January updates

 Hi everybody.

  Can you believe that it is at the midway point for the month of January?  I hope you are having a good month.  I am doing better ith my eyes but the docto says I need to go back next week and still have to do the steroi drops every two hours.  It's a pain.  Not putting in the drops but the every two hours is getting old real fast.

Have you decided on which BOMs, BOWs, or projects you will do in 2022?  Everything has been put on hold for me but I do have a couple  of things planned.  Before starting a new BOM or BOW I want to catch up on some of those I started in 2021.  My Civil War Ladies ide sew along is first on my list of "catching up".  I;m not probably going to totally finish it but if I get at last the top done I will be happy.  Then I want to work on the Storm at Sea top.,  THEN I might start on the 2022 projects.  

I have downloaded some BOMS/BOWs.  One of the ones I am downloading and savings is Martha's Garden.  As the name suggests, has flowers in it.  I think I am going to do that as a quilt as you go.  Speaking of QAYG, I hop to gt some background squares for QAYG done and just stored until I need them.  That would be around 14 " because most of the time I will be making 12 1/2" block and can cut it down.  I owuld like to get some background squares done and stored up so that I can concentrate more on the applique.  Wish m luck./  

It time to put in my drops again (every two hours - ugh) so I'm stopping here.  I'll write more after I see the eye doctor on Thursday.

Everybody stay safe and healthy.


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Is your start to 2022 better than mine?

I'm sure I' not the only one who is having a bad start to 2022.  So on the assumption that it is better to get it out in the open and state how it started, perhaps it will end sooner?  At least that is my theory today.  Here goes:

1.  double eye infection - on steroid drops now
2.  no electricity in my sewing room or laundry room - dan is coming over to see if it is a blown fuse since I can't see anything
3.  I have running water UNDERNEATH my sink since 2 a.m.  Will be calling Dan soon to say please bring over some plumbing tools.  
4. Gas heater went out and heating and plumbing/a/c guy an't get here until 3 weeks.
5.  I have an infection in my big toe.

At this point I will remind everybody that getting old (and living in old houses) isn't for sissy's.
  PS:  Took a frozen turkey out of freezer yesterday because I got another one from food pantry.  left it out all is just starting to thaw now.  Wonder how long it will take to thaw.  Any guesses?

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year - 2022

 Another day of using huge print so that I can seed it.  That's ok.  Even with bad eye sight right now it beats the alternative.

I do want to say Happy New Year.  Some people aren't starting off the new year in a good place, but I wll keep my friends in my prayers and I know they will come through  it.

Yesterday Dan came over and we chowed down on our potato bar.  I think Dan liked it because he had four potatoes all loaded up with plety of cheese, ham, cgukum sour cream, etc.  I had two potatoes and actually kept most of my leftovers so I'll be chowing down on leftovers today.   I have put my living room almost back to normal.  The extra card table is back in the kitchen and the white longer table is back in the living room.  Thge sewing machine is all set u for when my eye decides to cooperate.  First thing first will be cutting some fabric.  

Time to take some more sinus meds.  Enjoy the start of the new year.  Eve if it isnot good day today, it's only the start of the new year and there are plenty of days left.


All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...