Saturday, January 8, 2022

Is your start to 2022 better than mine?

I'm sure I' not the only one who is having a bad start to 2022.  So on the assumption that it is better to get it out in the open and state how it started, perhaps it will end sooner?  At least that is my theory today.  Here goes:

1.  double eye infection - on steroid drops now
2.  no electricity in my sewing room or laundry room - dan is coming over to see if it is a blown fuse since I can't see anything
3.  I have running water UNDERNEATH my sink since 2 a.m.  Will be calling Dan soon to say please bring over some plumbing tools.  
4. Gas heater went out and heating and plumbing/a/c guy an't get here until 3 weeks.
5.  I have an infection in my big toe.

At this point I will remind everybody that getting old (and living in old houses) isn't for sissy's.
  PS:  Took a frozen turkey out of freezer yesterday because I got another one from food pantry.  left it out all is just starting to thaw now.  Wonder how long it will take to thaw.  Any guesses?

1 comment:

A Walk With Susan said...

Sorry to hear about everything going on. I hope Dan is able to get your power back on and get your water leak stopped.
Depending on how big the bird is I say 3 days.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...