Thursday, January 20, 2022

Back from the eye doctors

 It's Thursday which means another update on my eyes since I went to the eye doctor.  This time the news is a little better.  I still have to go to the eye doctor every week and am still on the steroid eye drops.  HOWVER...I only have to put the drops in my left eye now and only  have to do 6 drops a day.  That was good news.  I flat out told the doctor that I couldn't afford $100 on prescriptions every three weeks and he said he already issued generic and doesn't have samples so by cutting down on how many drops hopefullly it will spread out the times I have to pay for more eye drops.  I'm afraid that the left eye is going to be a problem for a long time.  My pressure in the eyes is still good but he is concerned that the infectious liqueid in my eye might  sel up and attach itself to my eye (it is already starting that).  If it totally seals itself around the eye then that means glaucoma and laser surgery.  That is going to be something down the road and won't knowhow success he has been for a bit yet.  Oh yes, some good news.  I don't need drops in the right eye any longer.  It is almost back to normal and it will stretch out the eye drops if I don't have to put them in the right eye.  I was also able to read part of the eye chart today.  That's a first since I have been going there or at least a first to read something besides the big E.  This time I made it to the line that had 3 letters on it.  Not much of a difference but it really made me feel better.

Another thing that made me feel better was that I found some needles that I could thread.  It took a long time to thread them but I could thread it at least.  Then I got out my cross stitch quilt blocks and managed to take a few stitches in that.  I had to take my blue water soluble pen and mark over the stamped cross but it worked.  Onward and upward!

I need to think of something else to do for Dan.  He has been so good about driving me to the eye doctors and getting meds and such that just cookies now and then don't cut it with me.  Today he got oatmeal craisin cookies.  :)

It is time for me to rest my eyes so I'm signing off for now.  Everybody have a great day and stay warm.  

Hugs to all

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