Saturday, September 13, 2014

Another Finish!!!!

I am happy with this weekends progress.  I finished Ann's lap quilt.  It's perhaps not as large as some and I'll ask her if she wants it on the wall and if so I'll add a hanging sleeve to it.

Here it is.  I hope she'll like it.

Here is a close up of the rectangles so that you can see the stitch I finally decided upon.

On the black part I just did straight stitching.  It's not perfect but then neither am I but I am pleased with it.  This is the Zipper Quilt pattern that Missouri Star Quilt Company did a video on.  It's on YouTube if you want to see how to do it.  It's quick and easy.  I think the hardest part was figuring out how to quilt it.  I chose the wave stitch because I needed something that would help connect the two rectangles because I ended up being off on some of my 1/4" seams.  I still managed it so I'm going with it for now.  On my other wall hangings of this pattern I might do the stitching differently especially if it will be for a male.

While I was unstitching some of the sewing, I got to thinking on what notions am I thankful for.  These are my favorite things.

I am forever reaching for my magnetic wand.  It's great for keeping all my pins handy as well as giving me that extra little reach when I drop them.

I also like those little red scissors.  Not sure why but I do.  They aren't that sharp any more but the tips are magnetized so they help pick up the pins also and feel pretty good in my hands.

I also like those blue finger cots.  They are insulated to protect the fingers from the steam and heat from the iron.  They work WONDERFULLY!

Now it's bed time.  You have a great evening and better tomorrow.


Kat Scribner said...

I've been on the lookout for those blue finger cots. did you find them at a chain craft store?

Kat Scribner said...

Sorry. I didn't mean to forget to mention that the quilt is lovely. good job. you are growing in your skills. that's all we need to do, continue to grow.

Anonymous said...

love it Bonni!!!!
Heather Chaulk

esther said...

Very nice and I am looking for the blue things next time I can get out and about.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...