Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Sewing

Good Day everybody!

I hope you are having a relaxing afternoon.  My afternoon is going ok.  I cut back on one of the borders for the Disappearing Nine Patch  quilt and added a black border.  Now to figure out what what color to use for the backing and binding.  I am thinking of red for the binding. Not sure yet what I want for the backing.

That's about as productive as I've been except to wash out some fabric for another 10 minute runner.  That will probably be finished some time tonight.

Look for pictures of that tomorrow as well as my change of wall hangings in the office.  I have the t-shirt quilt up right now but with October right around the corner and fall upon us, I'll be putting up a different wall hanging.


esther said...

Your quilt is very pretty. And love the table runner.

Kat Scribner said...

Hey Hey Hey, that quilt is looking great! and did you have fun? You are becoming a full-service quilter.

Bonni said...

Thanks Esther and Kat. Hmmm. Did I have fun? Not as much fun as I had with the Zipper Quilt pattern. That one I might make into a full size quilt. This one however was good. I didn't mind making it and will probably finish it. I'll even attempt to quilt it myself. Probably a meander stitch or I'll free eye checkerboard.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...