Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Sewing

Now that my Saturday gaming is all done with, it's on to Sunday sewing.  I was glad to get to it because I was almost done with Dan's wall hanging.  I finally finished it but am second guessing my sleeve.  Perhaps I should cut a few more spaces in it so that he can hang it up easier.  I couldn't tell because I don't have a space large enough...long test out hanging it.  Here is a picture of it.  I ended up pinning it to my curtains in order to take the picture.

There two gaps in the sleeve across the top plus a little bit on the two ends.  Should I cut one of the sleeves or two of them to make them smaller and more spaces to "hang" it on?  I think I'll send it to Dan and tell him to call me when he gets it.  We can talk about his options.  He can always do it himself.  :)

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