Thursday, September 11, 2014

back to the drawing board

Ahhh, just when things were going to plan I ran into a snag.  When I started to quilt Ann's lap quilt, I found two rectangles that weren't sewed down properly.  An 1/8th of an inch (or less) didn't catch right.  This is, of course, not the optimal time to spot something like this.  I got out some thread and tried my best to tuck that miniscule bit of fabric back under and then sewed it shut by hand.  Mixed results on how it turned out.  Soooo, in my great thinking, I thought "of course you can cover it up when you do your quilting".  All I had to do was to pick out a decorative stitch that would help cover up and keep those two sides of the rectangles together.  It will get washed sooner or later and I didn't want it to tear out.  AH HA!  I found which one to use.  It would look like tiny triangles on both sides of the rectangle and close enough to secure it.  Off I went to the sewing machine.


Big sigh....

I happily sewed down one section and went and sewed another section and happened to look over to see how the stitch designed looked looked terrible.  For whatever happened, not all my points on that stitched worked out so that the triangle points looked more like slash marks against the pink rectangles.  I was using black thread since most of it was dark.

I looked at it and looked at it and then decided I would change the stitch.  Instead I went with a small "wave" design.  That looked better so I will stick to that.  NOW I had to unstitch what I had done before.  Oh yeah, NOW I remember why I had chosen that small triangle stitch.  It would stay in!  Boy does it stay in!  It went back and forth upon itself and was a "you know what" to unstitch.  Here is what the back looked like AFTER I had tried to unstitch the top.  This was one section, I had 7 sections to unstitch.

It's a little hard to see since it was black on black/white so I put my cheap seam ripper next to it.  I'm sure that most of you are familiar with that style of seam ripper.  Each one of those tangled sections was about the length of the seam ripper.  It took me a day and a half to rip it out.

Tonight I hope to start back sewing on the quilt.

On a good note, I did get a couple of charm packs in the mail yesterday.  They were batiks.

Not sure what I'll do with them but I will make something.  Perhaps another zipper quilt but this time larger?  Who knows.  That pattern is a fun one to make.

I have found more charm packs at home and now have a container just for them.  I figure it would help make it more organized and easier to find.

Oh.  Here's another thing that I will try some time.  I saw it on Pinterest and it led me back to Angie's website (see link below).  Take a look.  It's a little thing on how you can use cone thread with your machine when it isn't equipped for it.  It uses one of the spindles from blank CD/DVD containers.  You know the type.  It's how you normally buy the 50 to 100 pack of blanks with.  Check it out.  I think even *I* could do this.

Thanks Angie for showing how to do this.

That's it for this lunch hour.  I hope everybody has a great day.

1 comment:

esther said...

Thanks Bonni great idea.

Spring is almost here ...

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