Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Today's Progress and new gadgets

Hello everybody!  Today has been a rainy cool day which means I don't want to go out but I did.  I had to pick up some more floss...who'd believe THAT?!  While I was getting my floss I found two little gadgets which looked like too much fun to use (if they worked).  Guess what?  They worked!!!!!

Here are the two gadgets.

Yep, I broke down and bought a floss winder.  I  thought for 99 cents why not?  I discovered that I liked it enough that I am going to go back to Hobby Lobby and get a couple more for back up.  Remember yesterday when I posted that huge pile of floss?  It is all wound up on the bobbins and organized already thanks to the floss winder.

The other gadget I bought hasn't been tried yet but it will in the next day or two.  It's a Tail End Weaver.

This is to use when your tail is too short to hide normally .  Supposedly from the back of the fabric you thread your tails through the needle of this thing.  First you thread this needle through your stitches in the back and then  you thread your tails through the needle.  Then yu pull teh threads through the back.  Sort of hard to explain logically but I think you got the idea.  When I do it I'll let you know how I like it.  The eye of these Tail end weavers is pretty wide so you can probably use it for needlepoint yarn as well.

I worked a little bit on my rustic snowman.  most of it will not be stitched and he's pretty small.  The finished size is less than 12" if I remember right.  Tomorrow I will sew on a star and then put on the borders and perhaps finish it.

I haven't posted a picture of the Gnome and Critter Christmas lately so I shall throw that in here also.

The green bits are the tree.  The bluebird should be finished soon.  Besides the back stitching on it, the rabbit it is finished.

That's it for now.  I need to find some batting and get things all ready to work on tomorrow.

I hope everybody who celebrates Thanksgiving has a great one.  I am thankful for all my friends no matter if they are distant ones or not.  Have a great day.

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