Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New Block of the Month

Hi everybody!

I almost forgot to post this.  If you've followed my blog you probably have heard me talk about The Quilt Pattern Magazine.  It's an online magazine which is TOTALLY worth the cost of the subscription.  It comes out monthly and there is a lot of information in each issue.

The Quilt Pattern Magazine is going to do a free "Mini Block of the Month" which was designed by Nancy Richoux, owner of "Spring Creek NeedleArt".  Each month they will post the location for a new block in their newsletter.  Cindy from The Quilt Pattern Magazine posted in one of the yahoo groups I belong to the information for it and I have her permission to post it here also.  Go check it out.  I will probably be doing this one.

"For a photo of the BOM, go to

To participate in this BOM and access the patterns, just sign up for our

I hope you will join us.


You will need to subscribe to their newsletter which can be done here:


Who else might join me in doing this?

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