Friday, December 7, 2012

Quilted Placemats

Surfing through my emails and things and I eventually found this quite little project.  It would be great for first time quilters and so easy to do.

I don't normally share the links to tutorials (but maybe I will in the future) but this caught my eye.  It was a little scrappy on the edges but plan in the middle. Check it out.  Some of you might baulk at the quilting?  Don't sweat it.  She shows you how to do it.  You mark your center fabric with something that will wash out.  Clover puts out pens that work, washable markers (Wal Mart has generic and name brand in the crayon section) or chalk but I don't like to use that.  I am loving using the washable markers (notice not crayons but markers) lately so might use those.  This design can be used for place mats for every occasion.  Instead of the scrappy look, you could just use a longer strip of seasonal fabric.  Pink ribbon fabric for breast cancer awareness...some cute St. Patty's day in March...Fall Harvest or Halloween or....well you get the idea.

If I make them I'll be sure to post some pictures.


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