Wednesday, September 4, 2013

another mug rug

I gave Connie her birthday present the other day so now I can post the finished product.  I made her a mug rug which is a little larger than I usually do.  She wanted one with a Christmas theme to it and I had just the thing.  Once again I went into my Craftsy pattern library and pulled out this mug rug to do.

I wasn't worried too much about it being larger since it is for Christmas time and we all know how many cookies and treats are brought into offices at Christmas time.  This will be large enough for her drink plus her treats.

So that's one project done and over with.  I also gave her an NU pendant/flag which she can hang in her office if she wants or whatever and an I.O.U.  The I.O.U. is for me to finish up one of her blocks that she is behind on.  We are both in the Snowmen BOM and the mini BOM although if she wants me to do the mini-BOM I'd do two since they are so small.  :)

She said she liked it so that is what counts.  We'll see if she takes me up on the offer of doing one of the blocks.

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