Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pumpkin and mom

Thanks everybody on the well wishes for mom.  She will be in the hospital until probably Sunday.  They still want to do some more tests on her but in addition to that, she has a bad urinary tract infection that they will get cleared up before returning her to the Nursing Home.  I'll be seeing her tomorrow after work.

So what does one do when their mind has limited concentration time?  I do some stitching on applique projects.  I can concentrate on the stitching or just zone out.  The good part is that it also finished up a block that I needed to get done.

This is my October mini block.  This was a fun little block to do and the great thing about doing pumpkin faces is that if it is a little crooked it still works.

It is all ready for binding now!

 I finally got all the buttons on.  Now it is time to think about the binding.  I think it is looking pretty good.