Saturday, October 15, 2011

Another weekend

Another weekend comes and is almost over before I get some time to work on quilting.  This was my gaming weekend but that got quickly replaced with dealing with my brothers circumstances and then mom went to the ER on Friday and was admitted.  She should be OK and dismissed within the next day or two.  She has an UTI and is dehydrated.  That has caused her to lose balance and become more disoriented. They changed her medications since they think one of them was causing her to become more disoriented and will see how it goes.  My brother sees the heart doctor on Wednesday and then things can be scheduled (hopefully).  Of course in between all of this brothers old landlord (he is currently paying double rent) called and left a message on his phone asking when he would be out.  I have talked to the landlord in the meantime to settle Tony's affairs with him but now Tony is involved and is confused and worried and upset at us...wondering if we got everything done like he wanted.  Of course that is probably no but we did get t done and I have been in contact with the old landlord.  I think Tony had an old message but of course he deleted it before he paid attention to when it came in.

Needless to say that has cut into my quilting time and time to finish my current obligations.  I will get them done.  In fact I opened up EQ7 and think I might have a wall hanging figured out for one of those obligations.

I am thinking of doing this design.  I still have to make sure that I have the blue fabric for it but think it might not be too hard to work up.  Each block would be 10" and the black border would be 2".

Whatcha think?

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Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...