Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What a Day!

I got an Elf Envelope in the mail!  Wasn't that great?  I will post a picture tomorrow because I have been busy!!!!

Of course it hasn't been doing too much fun stuff.  I have been dealing with big brother Tony.  The good news is that he is out of the hospital and now in a rehab center in town.  That makes it easier when having to talk to him.  The bad news is that it is he is feeling JUST well enough to start a list of stuff for Bonni to do. The list is not that long but it is long enough to take a day or two to get done.  On top of that his old landlord called and thanked me for sending his rent check but wanted to tell me that he was shutting off the utilities because he had heard that Tony had a new place to live.  The house (Tony's apartment was upper half of house) is to be demolished (yep torn down) starting middle of next week.  Normally this might not be bad but Tony still has some stuff in there.  Of course that means Bonni has to make arrangements to get the last of it out.  I'm whining.  I know.  But it's my blog so I get to whine sometimes.  :)  Enough of that.  Where was I?  Oh yes.... the good part of the day....

I mentioned about the Elf Envelope.  It had the cutest fabric in it.  Snowmen and round candy mints.  I also received my two quilting books that I ordered from a discount book place.  It's a Stitch  is the title of it.  I ordered two of them since they were under $7 each.  I will give one of them away in an Elf Envelop no doubt.  That wasn't the only envelop in the mail for me.  There was also my faerie fabric panel there.  I'll try and take a picture of it tomorrow.  Not sure what I'll do with it yet but it was too cute to resist.

I ordered through the Quilting Board a Celtic applique book that somebody had for sale.  $8 with shipping and handling included.  Can't wait to get it. 

I also finished the quilt for Quilt for Kids.  I was right.  It was a pain to do.  My machine doesn't like doing quilts that size.  Most of the problem (besides operator error) is the small throat (?) area to push the fabric through.  I did manage to do it though and to date it is the largest quilt I've done on that machine.  It also tells me that for now Shelley Gardner gets to do my quilting.  LOL.  Of course my opinion of it might be slanted since my bobbin ran out about 3/4ths of the way into the quilting.  I wound my bobbin up and that took the rest of the black thread I had so I had to stop and run to JoAnne's to get thread.  I didn't have any money on me (payday is Friday) so I pulled out my card and decided I wasn't going to use it just on $4 for thread.  Logic would dictate that I had to buy more right?  My purchases cost me $30.  Two spools of thread and five one yard cuts of fabric for the preemie quilts and I went back home and finished up the Quilt.  Of course this time I would up two bobbins of black thread (good thing because I needed it) and even did machine quilting on the binding.  The directions said to only have 1/4 to 1/2 inch of binding and, of course, with me not having done machine binding before....managed to miss part of the fabric.  Of course this wasn't discovered until I had finished....or thought I had.  To cover it up I changed stitches and did a zig zag around the border (sometimes having to back stitch here and there).  THAT IS ONE BINDING THAT WILL NEVER COME OFF!  Now I have to wash it which means taking it to the laundry mat and spending 1.5 hours doing one thing in the washer.  Perhaps I can dig up some hand applique work to do while I'm waiting.  Then a quick iron job (although not sure exactly why since it will get wrinkly in the mail) and mail it off.

I still want to do charity quilts but am now going to switch over to doing quilts for preemies.  A couple of ladies in my quilting group on facebook do them.  They only have to be 20" which is going to be easier to do. 

Time to head to bed.  Have another full week and weekend ahead of me. 

Everybody have a great day/night.

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