Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fears are for Naught - because I changed it!!!!!

Before I get on with the tale of the woes of quilting, let me share a link.  There is a wonderful poem on this link about quilters and a crazy quilt.  :)

Now on to the story.  My flying geese on the corners of the Fears for Naught post should have kept flying instead of settling on the quilt top.  I kept looking at it and didn't like it.  They weren't cooperating at all and I was getting more and more displeased with the top.  Last night I took off the border and adjusted the pattern.  I totally took out the geese and instead put in the corner units with a flower in the middle.  The flower is appliqued on and from the flowered border fabric.  I'm much happier now. 

For quilting I think I will do a cross hatch in the middle, follow the big seams for something similar to stitch in the ditch (but not that close) and then go around the salmon colored flowers in the borders.  That should be enough to hold it together and then some.  The entire wall hanging is around 22".  Not sure yet what color I'll do the binding in but that doesn't need to be decided today.

Back to work now.  Everybody have a great day.

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