Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Making progress

Thanks for the well wishes for mom and Tony everybody.  Mom is going back to the nursing home today.  They changed her medication and it helped.  Tony is a long haul though so we just put up with the loveable lug and if he does what people tell him to he should pull through.  Hmmm.  perhaps I should have put that "if" in larger letters and all caps.

I had a nice note from my swap partner in the doll quilt swap.  Her daughter Emma loved the doll quilt and wanted to claim it as her own.  I have some of those flying geese left over so perhaps Emma needs one for her too.  This is Emma holding it up.  Isn't she cute?

I have also made progress on my Quilting in the New Year Swap.  I have two partners.  Actually one of the partners is the same person who I was assigned to in the Doll Quilt (Jennifer).  I gave her the option of having the blue wall hanging (blue is her favorite color) or the deeper pink/golds/green wall hanging.  She hasn't seen the colors of any of them yet.  She was tempted to do the blue but decided to go with the other so she can say she is "branching out".  LOL.

Here is my four blocks of the blue put together.  This is the pattern that I did in EQ7.  Didn't turn out too bad.  Tonight I am hoping to add the borders to it.  They will be around 2" and black.  Not sure what fabric I'll use for the backing but I think I already have enough on hand in my stash so it won't be a problem.  I will probably bind it with one of the blues so that it pops out a bit more.

One of those blues/teals has dragon flies on it and another one (the largest size) is a paisley.  I think it came out pretty good.

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Spring is almost here ...

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