Sunday, January 26, 2014

Brenda Sutter's Quilt Labels

A friend of mine has started to do quilt labels and I thought I'd help her out by posting what they look like here.  She's very talented and recently she has expanded out to quilt labels.  Here is one example.

This is not one of those 1" x 2" little labels that just say "handmade with love".  This is approximately 11 1/2" wide and 5 1/2" tall.  She can make them in any color and will sell them for $8.  Not only do you get wonderful message (or perhaps contact her to get a quote if you have something more specific) but that $8 would include a name, year and state if space allows it.  It does not, however, cover shipping and handling.  Please keep in mind that the price might change depending on what you would want her to put on the label.  The best thing to do is to contact Ms. Brenda and start to talk to her about what you would like to see on a label and then she can figure out what to charge.

If interested, you can contact her via facebook (Brenda Sutter) or via her email.  She has given me permission to give out her email addy and it is: . She does request that you put in the subject line "Quilt label".

Good job Brenda! Keep quilting!

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