Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Weather is Frightful...but I've been productive

I didn't get a chance to have breakfast with mom today.  Kerm (my brother) and I were snowbound.  Ok, that's not entirely true.  HE was snowbound with a 3' drift in his driveway and I *might* have been able to get to the Nursing Home but it's out in the country/edge of town also and those roads are open to swirling winds, etc.  So I called up the Nursing Home and they said they would make sure to get mom down to breakfast there.

It took me 1 hour to clear the snow around my car.  The snowplow had gone by and buried the car up to the tires.  My neighbor came out and helped me towards the end which was nice because I was able to give them their Christmas present.  I had crocheted four hot pads/pot holders for them.    I've gone out to start the car a couple of times, making sure to let it run long enough to get the warm out coming out.  In between that I decided to look and see what I could work on.

I'm still trying to catch up on some of the BOMs so I took stock on how close I was to finishing on a couple of them.  Let me say that when I talk about "finishing" I actually mean stitching the individual blocks and not putting them together.  That's in another category.  If I get that far I'll let you know what I'll call that category.  I started with Animal babies from Angie's Bits n Pieces.  I thought I was only behind on a couple of the blocks but I think I'm like four behind.  I did fuse on the owl today and will print out the other missing blocks and redo them.

After that I saw that I was behind on my mini blocks of the month from the Quilt Pattern Magazine.  I was behind two months on that and got them fused but then had a heart attack.  I couldn't find ANY black embroidery floss.

Yeah, that's it.  Just four thin strands of black floss in the whole apartment.  My niece in law has 3 skeins of black and 3 skeins of white for me but we haven't met up since she picked them up (She works for Michael's).

I watched it carefully but it was JUST enough to finish the pilgrim's hat for November.  I also finished up the December block.

Now that I have all 12 mini blocks done, I laid them out to get an idea of what they would look like.

They still need to be trimmed down to the correct size and the sashings and borders put on.  But I'm happy with how they turned out.  

Now with NIU being closed tomorrow, I can start to figure out what to think about working on tomorrow.  I'm not sure what it will be.  I do know that I will celebrate being off work by taking at least one nap and not setting the alarm.  Anything else will be....a surprise to me.  

Everybody be safe and I'll let you know what I decided to work on.


esther said...

Love your work Bonni!! Your mini blocks are lovely!! I did not work on any of the BOM this year but I did save some of the patterns. I planed on finishing my Bonnet Girl quilt (hand quilting) this year but got behind with working on grand baby items. First grandchild is very important at my age (73) .yes we are getting all the snow also. It sure is pretty out there but very cold. You sleep in and don't forget your nap . Enjoy life and sewing.

Mandy Currie said...

Bonni, you are so productive. I love the little owl, my Mum used to collect owls, so every time I see one I think of her. I've so much to get up and running, I'm not sure where to start. Well actually I've made a start on the second blanket for my neighbour, that's kind of an interruption I wasn't planning on. This morning I got the pattern cut out to make 4 belated birthday presents, I have 5 in total. The batting I ordered arrived but I think I'm going to have to double it, it's so thin. I'm not used to picking things out of a catalogue and ordering online, I need some lessons on batting purchases. Happy stitching.
Kind Regards

Marsha Clark said...

Cute projects !!! Love that owl too............

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...