Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

It seems weird to type in 2014 but I'm sure I'll get used to it by the time I date all those tuition waivers waiting for me to process.  Shhh.  I'm sneaking in some "me" time but that's ok.  I'll  just call this quick little note my break time.  Missed taking a break this morning so I'm due some "me" time.

I'm no longer having all those extra days to work on my crafts since work is back in session.  I did bring in some of my projects that I showed you all over the past week or so for when I meet up with Connie for a mini show n tell and guess what I discovered.  I had fused that Christmas wreath to the WRONG side of the WOW (White on White for my non quilting friends) fabric!!!!!!  It will still work so I don't have to change anything but I could have sworn that I was extra careful when I fused it on.  Sigh.

I was told about another BOM though.  I will collect this one but not sure if I'll be brave enough to attempt it.  It's all piecing and you know how I feel about that.  I do like Debbie Mumm though so perhaps I'll attempt it especially since a) it is free and b) it is stars.  The name of it didn't hurt either.  :)

I also found out today what the first bucket list drawing for 2014 will be.  The bucket list drawing is done in one of my yahoo quilting groups and it challenges us to learn new techniques or new blocks, etc.  For 2014 the list will consist of:

2014   1.  Paper Piecing .........................  2.  Redwork ...............................  3.  Bargello ..............................  4.  Stained Glass .........................  5.  Origami ...............................  6.  Chenile ...............................  7.  Free Motion Quilting ..................  8.  Curved Piecing ........................  9.  Trapunto ..............................10.  Cathedral Windows ..................... 2014 January11.  Applique ..............................12.  Delectable Mountains ..................13.  Irregular Edges or Finishes ...........

As you can see from the above, Cathedral Windows was drawn for the first one.  I actually have an idea on what to do about that.  I think I have some fabric that looks a little bit like stained glass windows and I might use that for the centers.  Just not sure what else I would use with it but it's a start.  Some of the things on the list I won't do because I just don't like them.  Chenile is probably in that list.  Origami might have been in that list but I did find a pattern one day for a folded box.  If it is drawn AND if I can find that pattern, I might make something.

Break time is over.  I'll catch up with you all later.  Stay warm.  Our wind chill tonight is suppose to be between -15 and -15F.  Time to stay inside and keep warm.  I wonder if my car will start tomorrow then.


esther said...

Everyone needs a little Me time :)
And the bucket list looks interesting. Cold here also. -7 degrees with a -23 windchill. Brrrr

Marsha Clark said...

Thanks For sharing Sis !!! I printed the Debbie Mumm pattern out. We shall see if I can keep up. LOL Stay warm !!! ((( HUGS )))

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...