Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014

I got tired of saying Happy New Year so often so thought I'd just shorten the post title.  :)

This is my last day of break so tomorrow my quilting fun slows down and I go back to work.  That's ok because I'm somewhat of a workaholic and I like working.  I guess that is a good thing since I probably won't be able to retire until I'm in my 70s.

So what did I choose to work on my last day of break?  I worked on messing up my sewing area again.  That can be translated as I started a new project.  I'll put it back in order sooner or later.  This is a Holiday wall hanging that I fell in love with.  I showed you how it would lay out in my last post but this time it is all fused onto the background fabric.  I used a white on white berry leaf pattern fabric that I like.

The other part of the day has been collecting/organizing some of the BOMs (block of the month) that I am interested in.  Sulky has a different one.

Look at the first one...the cake bar.  Isn't that a cute idea?

Angie from Angie Bits 'n Pieces always has a delightful BOM.  She is the one who offered up the Asian Teapots two years ago and then last year it was the Animal Babies.  This year it is all about shoes.  I wasn't going to do this one but then just realized that I have a 14 year old great niece and a 12 year old great niece.  This might be a good thing to do for one of them.  What teenage girl doesn't like shoes?  It's called Walk With Me.

Of course I can't forget Fat Cat Patterns.  There new BOM for 2014 is called Penguin Cheer.

Let's see.  What else did I hear about or find that I might have to collect (in case I don't get a chance to work on it until later).

Oh yes....My favorite Quilting Magazine.....The Quilt Pattern Magazine.  As most of you know this is an online magazine and while the subscription is more than reasonable (I would say even cheap especially for what you get out of it), they are offering a Newsletter Mystery called Around a Star and was designed by Cindy McCoy (a terrific lady and most helpful lady).

The Rules
1. This Mystery will be available to everyone on our newsletter list.
2. Each block will be online for about two months.
3. Quilters are responsible for downloading instructions while available.
4. Sorry, we cannot provide missed downloads.

 So if you aren't already getting their free newsletter, you can sign up for it at:

Another BOM which caught my eye was the Sycamore Rose BOM.  Since Sycamore (IL) is so close to where I live I had to check it out.  You too can check it out at:

I know a lot of you will say that is a lot of applique work.  Yes it is BUT the finished blocks are 14" so it is a good one to start out on.  If you use fusible (instead of needle turn) it will be even easier.

The last one (for now) that I was interested in is Garden Gate which is offered by    Check it out.  I currently don't like the border but perhaps I will like it by the time I get to that stage.  If not...well I'll leave it off.  You don't always have to make it exactly as the pattern calls for.

 That's it for now.  I know I won't get them all done but I'll do my best to keep up so that I can "collect them" if nothing else for later.  

What are your quilting plans for 2014?


esther said...

Being you already said Happy I will just say New Year!! I love your work. And thanks for the BOM patterns. Keep up your wonderful appliquéing !!

Marsha Clark said...

Happy New Year !!! <3
Thanks for sharing these links with us Sis !!!
Have Fun Creating ! Love your work !!!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...