Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Last Day of staying at home

Tomorrow I have to go back to work and it will be a little weird.  I've enjoyed, yes even though it was cold, being at home.  It's been nice to be able to work on some projects when I wanted to.  I did manage to finish up my test pattern for The Quilt Pattern Magazine.  I'll be taking pictures of that and filling out the report tomorrow.  I can't wait for it to appear because I love how it turned out.  I love all the fabrics that I used and..well just love it all.

Sorry I can't show it to you yet but sooner or later you'll see it.  :)

If you go over to my page that says Rose of Sharon BOM, you'll see two more pictures of blocks.  I haven't stitched them yet but do have them fused.  Soon I'll be able to start to stitch on them.  I had to match up more embroidery floss.  Now to keep them all in the same place so I won't have to match them all up again.

It's 10 p.m. and I need to sign off and try to get to bed at a decent time in order to get to work on time.  LOL.

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