Sunday, December 29, 2013

Almost the End of the Year

Wow.  2013 is almost over with and I wonder if I'm happy or sad about that.  Perhaps a little bit of both.  I don't think I will make New Year resolutions this year since I just break them anyway but I do have a plan for some things.  More on that in a day or two.

One thing that I had plans for while on break was to work on the teapot BOM from Angie's Bits n Pieces.  This was a couple of years ago that it was offered.  I had most of the blocks done but suddenly they all disappeared.  This weekend I managed to redo all the blocks.  At least I got them fused on and I will now be able to take one or two with me back to work and stitch them.

Of course they will look better after I have stitched them.  I am thinking that I will use the buttonhole stitch but perhaps all in the same color.  I'm thinking a dark brown.  Getting all of those fused on today made me feel like I accomplished something.

The other thing that took up a lot of time today was watching the Phoebe Allen cam.  :)   Phoebe is a hummingbird and her TWO eggs hatched within 15 minutes of each other today.  You want to see one of them come out and join the world?  They have it on YouTube also.

It shall be fun, I think, to watch the cam and see the babies grow up.

I'm yawning at the computer now which means I've been on it far longer than I intended.  I will stop here tonight and will write more tomorrow or on New Years Eve.

Everybody be safe and thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...