Monday, December 23, 2013

The Eve of Christmas Eve

Whew!  I made it.  Finished mom's  Christmas gift 12 hours before giving it to her.  Now I feel like I could sleep for a week!  No wonder Santa Claus only does this stuff one day a year.

I will be giving it to mom tomorrow morning after breakfast.  Hopefully the car will start because the temperatures (with wind chill) -13F tonight.

I will also be giving mom a manicure tomorrow morning for the holidays.  I had to go and buy some orange sticks for her cuticles so I went to Dollar Tree and picked up a little gift package for them.  I will be honest and say that the reason I picked out the package was because of the two small Separators for polishing the fingers.  What do you call them?  Anyway, I'm not going to use them for mom but instead I'm going to use them for my bobbins.  I've been wanting to try them out and I think they will work out pretty good.

I'll write more tomorrow but right now I"m just tired.  :)


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

So cold! Merry Christmas.

Kat Scribner said...

It's lovely, Bonni. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

What to work on Next

    I finished the owl and it will be sent off to my friend Susan as soon as I get my stamps.  I had forgotten to get some for the season so...