Monday, December 9, 2013

Decorating the Office

Mom was cleaning out her things again on Sunday and she sent some stuff home with me.  I thought I could use a couple of pieces in my office and I was right.  Of course the one on the wall is just held up by binder clips but it seems to be working out quite well.  LOL.

What do you think?

Tonight Theresa is coming over to work on the t-shirt quilt.  I think she'll be surprised at how little we have left to do.  It will still take some time because I need to show her how to iron the binding and stitch it on.  I always do my binding by hand and now she can too!  hehehe

I'll be both happy and sad to see this project end.  It's been nice having somebody around to work on the projects with and I'll miss that.  Perhaps I can convince her to learn to do a couple of more projects.

Oops.  Forgot to post the picture I took yesterday when I went outside in the snow.  It was pretty watching the snow come down, knowing that I was only going out to get caffeine and that I'd be back inside all snug as a rug in no time at all.  :)

This is what it looked like although I think that Google added in the animation or picked it up as animation.  This is a picture across the street of where I live.  The snow was coming down about that fast.

1 comment:

esther said...

Looks great and we are also getting the snow.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...