Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's all packed up.

It's official.  Theresa took her quilt home on Friday so wrap it up for Christmas.  She showed people at work and they all enjoyed it.  She did insist on taking a picture of it with the both of us so here it is.

By the end of the day, I had a couple of other people who talked to me about doing t-shirt quilts.  I'll talk to them in more detail because I don't think they want me to do it but more to guide them in how to do it.  They both have sewn before, one barely but the other is quite handy with the sewing machine, so they can take a more active role.  It is my understanding that my phone number was given out to somebody else who is looking to make some t-shirt quilts for them.  On that one I would do the entire thing but they haven't called yet and I'm not sure they will like my price tag that I would put on it.  That's ok.  If it is meant to be it is meant to be.  It's not like I don't have a lot of other things partially finished.  I can always keep myself busy.

In fact, I probably should have been busy today but it was my lazy day.  I should have been working on Mom's Christmas present but....I didn't.  I did manage to get everything I needed for Lyndon's Christmas present as well as for my graduate assistant.  Those I can deliver next week so I guess the day wasn't totally unproductive.

Tomorrow I will be working on Christmas cards so they can go out in the mail on Monday.  After that?  Hmm.  I'm not sure.  I'll have to let you know.

In the meantime, enjoy your days and evenings for they fly by way to fast.  Take time to breathe deeply and tell somebody you thought of them today.

Thank you everybody for reading my thoughts on life and quilting.  I hope that you'll be right by my side in 2014 as I continue on with my blog.

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