Friday, December 13, 2013

On to the next project...almost

My paychecks, like most people, might vary from time to time but I sure would like it when the "smaller:" paycheck isn't right before the holidays.  So I shall do my best to stay home and not spend.  That means I will need to stitch more, right?  Use up that stash?  Pull out UFOs and figure out how to finish them?  That's the theory and plan anyway.

While I was moving things around, I thought I'd take a few minutes to jot down some statistics for Theresa's quilt.  I ran across the receipts last night.  Of course it is an approximation because we might have forgotten something but it breaks down as this.

Hours spent on project (including planning and layout, etc.)    40 x $10/hr ................$400
Cost of non t-shirt materials......................................................................................$130
Cost of t-shirts (average $15 each plus one that she knew cost $30).........................$375

Some say that using $10/hr for labor and such is too low.  It made it easy to figure out though.  I hadn't figure up what it actually cost to make a quilt before nor tracked how long it took to do it.  This was interesting to see and gives me a better idea on what to charge for similar quilts.  Obviously I wouldn't be charging somebody for the t-shirts but wanted to add it in so that the person would have a better idea on "total" cost to them.  What would you think would be a good price to sell such a quilt at?  You can see how it quickly gets up there because you don't want to sell your products without a profit etc.

Anyway, with that being done, now it is time to finish up Santa.  I tried two different things on Santa and neither one worked.  I tried to hand stitch in Asterisks for snowflakes but didn't like how it appeared on the back so I took them out.  Then I tried putting in some lines of Asterisks that I could do on my machine since it has a stitch for that but it didn't turn out either.  I think the walking foot messed it up since the stitch is one which goes back and forth a lot and the walking foot was trying to keep everything together.  I ended up just doing a straight stitch and will think on it some more.

I moved on to the binding but the material I picked won't work.  I think it is going to be too thick.  I have some other fabric to try out on it to see if it works better.  Perhaps this weekend or next week.  I might even see about getting some small snowflake buttons to use on it.  It's a work in progress.  :)

As I was digging around to decide on what to work on next (as if the BOMs I have sitting around weren't calling my name), I ran across a panel piece that one of my Australian friends had sent me.

I've started to stitch it on for a wall hanging but my buttonhole stitches aren't showing up so I might be taking them out.  I was using two strands of embroidery floss but might try it with three and see if it "pops" more.
This will take me a bit to do because I can see me stitching around some of the toys and that cute boomerang.  It is so bright that it will be fun to do.  Perhaps I'll have it finished by next year to hang up in the office. :)

I had downloaded a free pattern from Attic Window Quilt Shop blog.

Isn't that a cute bulb ornament?  That cute little ornament was the cause for me to be digging into my stash and, consequently, messing up my sewing corner.  I'll clean that up this weekend.  I was thinking that I could do that ornament and then inspiration struck me!  Ouch!  It hurts when it does that sometimes doesn't it?

I have some African fabric that Lyndon had brought back and one of them actually looked like the pattern on the ornament.  Then the flowers down at the bottom...wait...I have some African fabric with flowers!  Maybe I can make it using ONLY African fabric?  Hmmm.  Might do that but couldn't find it all.  On the other hand, one of the African fabrics has most of the designs already on it so might do that.  Who knows what it will turn out like!  I'll let you know on the progress of it.  Before I get to carried away though I need to finish up Mom's Christmas table runner and get Christmas cards out in the mail.  

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