Thursday, December 5, 2013

Progress on the T-Shirt Quilt

I know that Theresa has a better understanding on the steps taken when we make our quilts now...especially after last night.

Theresa came to my place and we a LONG but productive night of working on her quilt.  I think she left somewhere around 11 p.m.  BUT during that time she finished up her photo  album and got it ordered in time to meet the midnight deadline AND basted together the t-shirt quilt AND started to sew it together.  Isn't that wonderful news?!

Oh yes, we also got the binding cut (thank you AccuQuilt GO!) quickly and the strips sewn together as well as her label.  I took one of the sleeves that had been cut off of a t-shirt and put interfacing on the back of it for stability and then used the embroidery feature on my machine.  It can do letters and numbers and some decorative stitches.  I can't change the size of them but I think it turned out cute.  I'll take a picture of that tonight and post it.  I am predicting that by next week we can get it finished.

I was sneaky and got this picture before she realized it.  Welcome to the joys of trying to get out wrinkles Theresa.  She did a very good job of it.  There might me a wave on the back (the blue fabric shown) when it's done but it couldn't be helped.  I doubt it will be noticeable because of the pattern. She did manage to get the wrinkles shown in the picture worked out but it took a bit.  This *is* her first quilt so we just do the best we can and she has been doing GREAT!

I think that the spray basting was getting to us.  LOL.  Two more rows Theresa and then you can start to quilt it.  The top went together rather quickly.  We trimmed off some of the excess batting to make it more manageable and then...gasp...Theresa was introduced to the joys of quilting it on the machine.  I have a small machine which makes this a challenge but she did well.  We talked about different ways of quilting it and she now realizes why I said that I wouldn't do FMQ on my machine with a quilt this size.

We meet up again on Monday after work for another session.  I think she will be surprise at how much will get done.  Before it's all done I think she will be making herself a mug rug out of the leftover backing material.  She mentioned about making one and this is a good use of left over fabric (and it's cute too).

Until next time....

1 comment:

The Raincross Quilt Guild said...

What a dynamic and productive duo you are!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...