Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas - December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas everybody!   Today is my day for myself.  I will be working on the Santa redwork wall hanging and will probably finish it today too.  I'm ansy though because I want to hear from Theresa on how her daughter liked/loved the quilt.  She texted me on Christmas Eve to say she was so excited that her daughter gets it in one day.  It's terrible trying to keep a secret at this time of year isn't it?

I finished my own Christmas present this morning.  It's funny how if you wait long enough, you'll find the right thing to use on your projects.  Of course that might take years to come but it will come.  This time it didn't take as long but when shopping I discovered the rhinestones and I loved them.  JUST the bling I needed for my wall hanging.

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday season.  I have no idea if you celebrate Christmas or the other holidays and it doesn't matter to much to me since I consider you all my friends and that is enough for me.


traditional_quilter said...

Merry Christmas Bonni! I am looking forward to some sewing time today too. Love your wall hanging it turned out great!

Sue Daurio said...

Happy Holidays Bonni! I'm hoping I get a few house of sewing today as well. Love your Santa Redwork.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...