Monday, July 11, 2011

Last day at 54

My, doesn't that sound dramatic.  I think I will veg the rest of the night and take an allergy pill.  Doesn't that sound exciting?

I did manage to finish up my block for Rhonda's July swap block so it will go off in the mail on Wednesday. 

I am almost done with the top for Savannah's birthday present.  She is my 8 year old pen pal (step daughter of good friend).  This will give you an idea of how it will look.  the back fabric will be the mauve/pink of the circles.  I have to put the black corner pieces up to hold the picture of us in it.  That way she will be able to swap out pictures when she wants to.  I'll probably put a black binding on it.

I have almost finished Nolee's table topper also.  I think that I will be putting a narrow dark brown border around it and just do echo quilting (only one echo).  Can't finish it until I get more batting.

Here is a close up of my stitching.

I have changed my mind on the doll quilt I have to do.  Think it will end up being redwork.  Hopefully I will be able to stitch that this week.  I want to get started on next months doll quilt because I think it will be a fun pattern (an elephant with some flowers).  I can't do it for this month since my partner likes red and I wanted to so sunbonnet sue/sam.  I am now thinking of doing it in redwork.  I'm sure I stated this before but I'm still trying to convince myself that is what I am going to do.  I'll make up my mind by the weekend.

Time for the allergy pills.  Wonder what the office is planning tomorrow.  I know they are up to something for my birthday.  :)

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