Sunday, July 31, 2011

fiddlehead finished

Well the top is done anyway.  Still have to put it together and quilt it.  That might take a bit yet but for a first attempt, and I rushed a little on it, I don't think it is too bad.

I will have to think on how to quilt it.  Perhaps when we get to FMQ on the bucket list I will dig this back out and then do it with this.

I heat set it but am also debating on whether or not to use textile medium on it also.  time to figure out that later.  It is now time to put it off to one side and contemplate something else.  It has been fun working on it it.  It is called whole cloth "applique" so i figured it would qualify for my "applique Sunday".  LOL.  It was pretty relaxing to listen to classical music in the background and just color this.  For anybody who tries it, make sure you put your fabric on top of something because the Sharpies will bleed through.  I had an extra piece of foam board from the dollar store which worked out nicely.  I didn't ruin anything expensive and it was sturdy enough that it acted like a separate table.

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