Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Saturday!!!

Yes Saturday finally arrived.  This Saturday is off to an "ok" start but I will be excited for next Saturday.  That is a holiday weekend and I only have two things planned and I have an extended weekend.  I won't have to go back to work until Wednesday.  But that is next week and I will report on that when it gets here.  In the meantime there is THIS Saturday.

Since I've been on the steroid drops, I've found that Benedryl acts quicker and affects me more.  Not sure why since it is steroid eye drops I'm taking and not the steroid blister pack.  Anyway, whereas I could take two benedryl every four hours before and not feel sleepy until three days in a row, I find myself taking one benedryl and two ibprofen and am totally happy to crawl into bed.  Last night, I didn't sleep my usual 5 hours but instead slept nine hours after taking the benedryl/ibprofen nitecap.  My eyes are still a bit strained this morning.  Probably between quilting and allergies.  I won't take anymore benedryl until tonight.  I will have to make sure to set the alarm though because mom's biscuit and gravy Sunday can't wait.  She might not be able to tell what day it normally is or what happened but when the Nursing Home staff tells her it is Sunday, she remembers biscuits and gravy.  How can one be late to that?

So after 9 hours of sleeping,  I find myself starting the day off two hours to three hours behind schedule.  I'm fast catching up though.  This post will be my last one for the day since I only give myself til noon to do chores and quilting and then from noon to 3 to prepare for gaming tonight.  Depending on how I feel after gaming I might do quilting or check emails, etc. before bed.    This morning I find myself having to cook.  Not that cooking is a bad thing (except for my waistline) but I haven't had to do too much of it lately.  I've been having salads every lunch hour so that is a quick grab and go.  Breakfast has been cereal since I had to have milk for some work events dishes I had to do this week.  There were two.  Now I have to drink up the milk before it goes bad since the only size I could get at the time was the gallon.  The only size in the type of milk I wanted was the gallon.  Yes, the grocery store had more than gallon sized containers of milk.  So today is a cooking day in the morning.  I had some bacon that needed to be cooked up so cut that up in bite size pieces and cooked it and threw in my left over onions and mushrooms.  Now I'm cooking up some rice and will mix it all up to combine with it.  I will probably toss in some garlic (gotta have garlic) but not sure what else.  Egg perhaps for a refried rice type dish and maybe a little bit of rosemary.  I don't use that much and had to buy some recently. 

Weekend goals for quilting are:
1.  add more black to the snowwoman wall hanging.  It's not as large as I wanted and I need to make it larger.  The border on it is black so I can add more to it and it shouldn't show that much.

2.  Sandwich up the snowwoman wall hanging

3.  Finish up my final block on the Baltimore Style table runner.

4.  Sandwich up the Baltimore Style table runner.

Those two projects need to be mailed around the 25th so time is running out.  I think I can still make it on time.  They are for a swap and my two partners are close to finishing up also.  One has finished and the other hopes to finish this weekend. 

I think I shall stop here and go and see if I can figure out how to do a meandering stitch on my machine.  I might do that on the table runner.  On the other project I shall be doing an outline stitch and then using the small white buttons in place of more quilting. 

Until next time....Have a great weekend!

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All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...