Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Today started out a little later for me.  I didn't set the alarm so I slept in.  Of course sleeping in means that I still work up at 7 a.m. 

When I went out this morning to get caffeine and noticed that the park had flash flooded from the rains from over the weekend.  I had my camera with me so I took some pictures.

I have had some comments on Cissie's wall hanging that I am doing for the swap.  It is split evenly between the first border and then last border pix.  (see previous posts)  I will be doing the first one with the leaves and berry on them.  It will work better with the design I think.  I will use the other ones for other projects.

I almost ran out of material to add for the leaves and berries.  I did though so it turned out.  I will trim it again after the leaves get added.  I also added a blue inner border. 

I will be stopping working on this for a bit.  I need to take a break from it so I won't mess it up since I don't have extra fabric.  It needs to be under 30" and if my calculations are correct it is around 26".  I hope to be able to cut off around half inch before adding binding.  It needs to be all finished by the 25th and that shouldn't be too much of a problem.  

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What to work on Next

    I finished the owl and it will be sent off to my friend Susan as soon as I get my stamps.  I had forgotten to get some for the season so...