Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One more Day

Until I have an extended weekend.  Tomorrow is the last work day of this week for me and I'm sure it sill just as stressful as today.  We have three people in the office area who are leaving as of July 1.  Today was ice cream in the afternoon as a last farewell which was nice.  Of course I had too much and I might have too much tomorrow morning also when I take one of the retirees out to breakfast at 7 a.m.

I came home and did manage to work on Nolee's table topper.  I'm trying to decide if I will have enough courage to try and turn it into a scalloped edge leave it square.  I've been told that if I leave it at approximately 24" even though her table is round it will work out ok. 

I'll have to take a better picture from work.  I just don't get enough light here.  This will be done with fusible applique.  I ironed it on so now it is transportable.  Not sure what color I will use to buttonhole stitch around the leaves. 

It felt good to get to the sewing a bit.  It helped me calm down a bit which is what I needed.  The area which is still swollen from the shingles (past the four month mark) was hurting today.  Not sure if it was from the stress or what.  The eyes were bothering me a little bit but it IS allergy season.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll take an ice pack with me and use it in the afternoon.  it is suppose to be another hot day but on Friday it is suppose to be over 100F.  We don't usually get too many days like that.  I will set my air conditioning tomorrow to turn on about 20 minutes before I get home.  If it gets really hot tomorrow it will help take out the humidity and start to cool it off.  It will have had a 10 hour rest by then so that is good.

I need to work on the bucket list topic from my yahoo group.  This time it is Seminole piecing.  I might so a pillowcase (need some anyway) and put that on for a border.  I'm not sure I will really like Seminole piecing but it is something new for me to try.

This fourth of July I might dig out the layout for the medieval quilt.  I've made another page for that so you'll see how it develops over there.  Also need to work on my Baltimore too.  Sounds like I'd better stay home and do a lot of stitching.  There are worse ways to spend a holiday weekend.  :)

Until next time my friends.  Happy Life.

What a week!

Work has been busier, if that is possible, then normal and is seriously interfering with my out of work life.  I'll adjust of course, always do, but then it will be time to switch back to five day work weeks.  On the up side, it usually means that Friday can be a craft day or errand day and assign another day of the weekend to be craft day.  Every other week is best for me because of my other commitments.  THAT being said...this is my craft weekend.  I felt the need to craft this morning but didn't have time to do anything.  Lucky (?) for me, one of the people at work is being promoted and moving to another department.  She has always liked my new teas that I got (Organic White Champagne Raspberry and Whit Coconut Creme) so I put some in containers for her to take with.  The picture of it didn't turn out the best since the glass kept glaring.

It's kind of hard to see but the ribbon around the glass containers is white with black paw prints.  NIU's  mascot is the Huskie so paw prints are all around.  In the center of the over lap of the ribbon is a small black and white flower.  By coincidence today, she wore black and white so it all fit in.  Since this is loose tea, I also put in some tea bags for her so she wouldn't have to shop around for empty tea bags.

On Friday I hope to get a chance to start the Princess Feathers.   Wish me luck.  :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friendship Star x4

I made up three more Friendship Stars and now have enough for a small wall hanging.  This is how they turned out.  I haven't figured out what fabric to use yet for the back or border but that can wait for another time.

Another picture will be posted when finished.

Have to go and audition more fabric for a swap.  Until next time.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Friendship Star

I finished the Frienship Star block tonight.  It is an easy block but I like how it looks.  Of course, since it is simple and a geometric, I had to unstitch it...BUT...I only had to unstitch it once.  I have come to realization that it's me.  I know...I know...everybody else knew it except me.  LOL.

It's rather my brain refusing to function right with geometrics.  I look at it once and it looks right but it isn't until it is sewn together that I realize that it was laid out wrong to begin with. I'll keep working on it though.  Here is what the finished block looks like.  I think I will do a small wall hanging out of four blocks.  I think I have enough fabric for that.

It's time for me to get to bed.  11:17 p.m. here.  Have to get up early to take out garbage.  It's been so windy lately that I don't want to do it the night before and have it all over the alleyway.

Everybody have a great evening and even better day tomorrow.

HUGS to all

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

To Mail or not to Mail

Ok.  Here is where I ask the readers of this to give me their opinions.  I did this block for a swap.  Geometric designs aren't my thing and I'm not good at them but i'm trying to get better.  So I joined this swap.

I did this block.....and there is a problem.

This is the second time I've done this block.  Perhaps it should be said it is 1.5 times I've done the block.  I had put some of the small (2.5") blocks in wrong and unstitched them.  THAT is when I made a discovery.  My fabric that I had chosen does not like to be unstitched.  It is cotton but it ravels a little bit more than some.  When it was resewn/fixed, I noticed that some of my points don't match up now.  Soooo, do I send it or do I start from scratch.  Starting from scratch would mean that I have to buy more fabric and totally redo the colors.

Other factors to take into consideration....
1.  it is due at the end of the month.
2  I have received other blocks that don't perfectly match
3.  I am not perfect and never will be so my next block, if redone, wouldn't be perfect either.

Polls are now open......Send or redo.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ohhh. Look what the mailman brought....

First of all, I wish to say thank you to all who read this blog and especially to those who comment.  For some reason, I don't get to see the comments until I remember that there is a comment tab and go click on it.  Go figure.  Anyway, I will try to do better on that in the future. 

In the meantime.....look what the mailman brought me today.

The colors are off since I forgot to turn on the light before snapping the picture with my cell phone but it still gives you an idea.  The bottom pix is of dual pencils.  That is for when I draw out my applique patterns, the second pencil automatically draws out the quarter inch seam allowance line at the same time.  I'll have to let you know how it works.

Went to the eye doctor today.  Don't have to go back for another 3 months.  He doesn't know that I probably won't go back to him since he will be out of my insurance effective July 1.  Of course if work wins the argument and we can go back to the clinic then I can go back.  He wants me to get bifocals.  He gave me the prescription so that now perhaps I can see if I can find it cheaper than what he wants.  If I get it from his place then it will cost me about $150.  I should be able to get it cheaper someplace else?   I'll have to see.

The sewing machine and Rhonda's swap block is calling me....Until next time...stay safe and HUGS.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Weather is fickle so I wonder if we'll actually get this:



Strong Storms

Isolated T-storms

Few Showers

Partly Cloudy

High: 83°
Low: 69°
High: 86°
Low: 68°
High: 76°
Low: 61°
High: 64°
Low: 59°
High: 73°
Low: 58°

End to the Day

The work day is over and I'm glad.  It wasn't too bad but tiring.  We had two universities bring out McNair scholars to visit NIU.  One was 3 hours late.  THEN not everybody showed up.  THEN a couple of people changed their mind about what department they wanted to talk to.  THEN it was raining.  THEN it was hot and humid because it didn't rain enough to take out humidity.  THEN we gave them a gift certificate to the bookstore and THEN they overspent so by boss went over to cover their overage.  Sigh.  A Loooong Day.

Made it home ok and managed to finish cutting out the 2.5" blocks for Rhonda's swap.  I will sew them all together to make the 12.5" block tomorrow and then will be able to mail it off this week.  This is the unstitched version.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekend ends

It's back to work tomorrow and a big work day.  Two universities are sending students down to look at NIU.  It will be 24 students, their professors and the drivers.  Will have to walk them around campus, feed them, and do a panel discussion....then collapse.  So my fun weekend of quilting is over with.

I did manage to get something accomplished though.  This is one of the Baltimore Album blocks that I finished.

I also figured out which block to do for Rhonda's block swap. 

Here is what she had for the pattern.

My swap partner wanted the block done in browns and blues.  This is what I am using and you can sort of see the block starting to shape up.

The plain tan isn't too bad but the cell phone didn't like the half a shade darker flowered tan.  The blue has yellow markings that look a little bit like stars.

I also started on the next block for Baltimore.

That is just basted so it's pinned on the fabric.  the middle has green leaves which in reality looks a little like a small hand.

Until next time people.....

Friday, June 17, 2011

The other version

Ahhh, Friday finally arrived and now my vacation is here.  Today it started off in the good old USA.

The question was where to go next.  I decided since it was still early to go to Greece for breakfast.  The strawberry yogurt was delicious.

Then I decided to go Indonesia.

The blues there were terrific as well as the night sky.

From there I traveled to the Emerald Isle and stopped to enjoy Some Irish Ale.  As you can see from these pictures, it's a darker ale (something I'm not used to).


The greens made up for it though.  :) 

It was time to rest since the stars seemed to be popping out.

I also stopped by China and Japan.  Japan for some Smoked Eel Sushi (yummmmm) and China for some new tea.  The tea of choice this time was Organic White Champagne Raspberry tea.  Then I also had some White Coconut Creme tea.

Time flew by and soon I was back in the United States.  This time in Baltimore where I'm sure my pictures will find their way into an Album.

Eventually I had to make it back home and much to my surprise (innocent look), I found that some things had just "happened" to end up in my bag.  Not sure how that happened but it would be impolite to send everybody back home.  I'll just adopt them.


It's good to be home now.  I am tired and ready to relax after so much traveling.

The start of a working weekend

Ahhh, blessed Friday.  After working over 45 hours this week (M-TH) I am ready for my day off.  So once again I am ready to describe my self imposed odessy of quilting vacation while not travelling more than 30 miles from home.  Ready?

Well you'll have to wait a little bit more because i just got home and am sweaty and tired.  I'll take pictures and post later today but I CAN give you two versions of what this morning has been like.

Version 1 - the mundane

I set my alarm for 7 a.m. which is two hours later.  I wouldn't have set it at all except it is garbage day and in the summer months I dare not miss it.  Don't need any buggies to come visit unless they are part of a pattern I am quilting.  Of course that also meant I was awake at six a.m. and refused to get up and just watched the clock rotate on its dial for another hour.

After garbage was taken out I got dressed and paid some bills.  Called my niece in law to go shopping with me but no answer so I got into the car and went by myself.  THEN my other niece in law called me and kept me company on the phone during my trip.  First stop was to Wal Mart in Rochelle and what a waste.  No fabric that I liked and little at all.  I think perhaps they might be cutting back because they are building a Super WalMart.  Hopefully they will keep fabric in that.  On the other hand, I picked up three t-shirts with the American flag on it so I am set for the holiday and summer.  One is  in red, one in blue and one white.  Seemed like the thing to do especially when they were only $3.50 each.

Then I came back to DeKalb and went to JoAnne's.  I was bound and determined to get fabric.  I am stubborn that way you know.  I bought a lot of fabric.  I might not buy anymore fabric for the rest of the year.

My fabric is in blues, batiks, greens and since fat quarters were on sale for 99 cents, I picked up some of them also.  JoAnne's also gave me two $10 off coupons if I come back this weekend (expires the 25th) and make a purchase of $10 or more.  That's almost like free shopping so I am obliged to go back.....yes?

Now the other version which will be posted later will include a more exciting description along with pictures.  Things like my trip to the emerald isle and indonesia where I saw beautiful constellations.  You see.....later.  :)

Until then, have a great day.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good Night All

What a nice way to end the evening.  I got to chat online via IM with Dee, Shelley, and Sally.  That doesn't happen very often so it was a good way to end the evening.

I think I might go to WalMart tomorrow and see what they have for fabrics in.  It's a short ride in the car (about 20-30 minutes) and while a lot of people don't like WalMart fabric, I like their prices.  I just have to make sure to be careful what I get.  Yes a lot of it can be cheaply made and "doesn't feel right' but a lot of there can be nice fabric also.  If I don't go to WalMart, I might go to the quilt store in Batavia.  THAT is dangerous.  I love that store.  It just feels good to go in it.

Then tomorrow I also can start on a new block for Rhonda's swap.  I'll keep everybody posted.  It's my non gaming weekend which is good since Monday will be very busy for me.  Hopefully I will unwind a bit this weekend and be ready for it.

More news to follow on the quilting spending spree.

HUGS and good night.

I get a free fat quarter!!!!

Woo Hoo!   One of the bloggers that I follow asked for suggestions for names for her new quilt that she was doing.  She just showed the fabric and I didn't know what the finished product would be like but I suggested a name.  She put all the names in the hat and pulled my suggestion out.  She sent me an email saying thank you and that she would send me a fat quarter for helping her out with the name.  Isn't that cool?

Here is what she said and I hope the link to her blog which shows the finished product.  It's the Quilting Readers Garden.  Click on Freedom's Wings is finished below and it will take you to that blog.  Did I say Woo Hoo!? 
Posted: 16 Jun 2011 03:00 AM PDT
I took all the great possible names and tossed them in a box.  And pulled out Freedom's Wings.  Thank you, Bonni - I picked your title from the hat and that's what I'm going to call it.  I think it turned out nice.  All the fabric except for the focus fabric came from my stash - didn't even know I had that many stars - LOL.  The bald eagles were bought at our thrifty corner at our guild meeting.

Vacation time pix - part 2

Some more pictures....These are of books and patterns I bought.

Vacation time pix

What's a vacation with pictures?  Here are this summers first vacation.  As mentioned earlier, my vacation this time is local and just spending money on stuff I want.  Mostly this will be material and quilting stuff.  here's the first installment.  Since some of you get this via emails, I'll break up the postings a little more.

Some material that I found on sale for $5 a yard.  The top fabric is yellow/gold lily pads and the third fabric is blue lily pads.  The white with flower fabric has small blue flowers on it.  The bottom fabric is another white fabric for my main stash.

The bottom fabric is more gold than brown or black.  It didn't come out well in the picture

This is a better picture of the gold fabric.   

Burgundy buttons and some more white thread.  Essentials but I miss them if I don't have them.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oops...there went vacation

Ok.  Today I went on vacation.  That is what I am calling it anyway.  I took so me money out of the bank and went to the quilt shop.  I can hear you shaking your heads already my quilting friends.  You can see where this is already leading too.  I will say that I went into the quilt shop to just get three fat quarters.  For my non quilting friends that should have cost around $6.  Instead I walked out with a BIG bag and $170 less.  I bought a couple of books and fabric.  I'll take a picture later and post it here.

On one of my yahoo quilting groups that I belong to, somebody posted about knife edge binding.  Have you heard of that before?  It certainly looks easier.  I might have to try it on my next doll quilt.  Here is a link that explains it a little bit.

Basically the front doesn't look like it has binding on it, only the back.  It's for when you don't want the binding to distract from the what I was looking for with my American Eagle redwork.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Quilt a Long

I am starting yet another new project.  This one is called a Quilt Along.  I don't know if I will be able to do it all but I'm going to try. 

The first block to do is called a Friendship star.  I know I can do this.  I just have to find the material I want to do it in.  here is the link to Bianca's blog where she talks about it.  You can also see what the picture of the finished quilt is suppose to look at.  Wish me luck!

I went to the doctors today.  He's not happy with me but then I'm not exactly happy with him either.  I'm getting impatient with this.  I go back next week to see him and that's my last week mostly because I have to change doctors for insurance   I just get the feeling that I'm spinning my wheels with this doctor.  The new one is around 45 minutes away but should be relatively easy to get to.  Just have to remember not to get sick enough to go to hospital (grins) since it's not a local hospital either and also when seeing another doctor get a referral.

I won't be finishing up the Grace block.  I ran out of the fabric and since it is a test block, I am not going to get more.  Instead I'll turn some of the 2.5 inch blocks I finished into a mug rug or mini hanging or something.  I will post it when I'm done.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend Report

The weekend is finished and I'm back at work which means NOW I have time to report on how the weekend was.  LOL.

I managed to finish the American Bald Eagle Redwork.  I couldn't find the right shade of blue so I put on a boring white mini binding on it.  It doesn't look bad but it is calling me to do something else with it and I am refusing to listen.

I also thought I had finished cutting out the 2.5" segments for the Grace block.  When I put it on my wall this morning it looks like either I didn't cut out enough (sigh) or I left them at home and didn't put them in the back pack this morning.  Here is what they look like with one more row (red-blue-red) to be added.  Perhaps this week I will be able to sew all the 2.5" squares together.  According to my calculations this block will be larger than 12.5" which is what it is suppose to be.  I will wait though for my math skills aren't the best at times (with quilting anyway).  Rhonda looked at it and said it was right.  I am sure she is correct and it is "me" that is wrong.

I also made the decision that I will only be gaming every other Saturday.  I am getting upset with the group and need to step back a bit.  I know I am stressed when everything they are saying is getting to me.  Now I have to make a decision on whether or not to step back in a couple of my PBeM games also.  I know I should but I really don't want to.

I did let a bit of vanity get to me.  Paul's (the ex) family had a get together and Paul invited me.  It was to meet up and talk about his step father who died a little bit ago.  He died out of state so not everybody was able to go to the funeral so this was a memorial type thing.  I wasn't going to color my hair until this shingles thing was all straightened out but I caved in.  I picked up a wash out color (vs permanent) which looked like it would be less harsh and managed to almost get all the white out.  The white did get covered up but as you can see, the coverage wasn't as good.  My friend Dee said to call it highlights.  Loved that Dee!

Today is a bad allergy day.  My head is bothering me, my eye is bothering me and my sinuses are draining.  Perhaps we should take a collective "who brought allergy pills with them today" survey at the office. 

Until next time....

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...